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By: Heman White Chaplin (1847-1924)

Book cover Eli First published in the "Century Magazine"
Book cover The New Minister's Great Opportunity First published in the "Century Magazine"
Book cover Five Hundred Dollars First published in the "Century Magazine"

By: Margaret Moyes Black

Book cover Robert Louis Stevenson

By: Annie Eliot Trumbull (1857-1949)

Book cover A Christmas Accident and Other Stories

By: Unknown

Book cover Fall of the Nibelungs

"The Fall of the Nibelungs" is Margaret Armour's plain prose translation from the middle high German of the "Nibelungenlied", a poetic saga of uncertain authorship written about the year 1200. The story is believed by many to be based on the destruction of the Burgundians, a Germanic tribe, in 436 by mercenary Huns recruited for the task by the Roman general Flavius Aëtius. The introduction to the 1908 edition summarizes the story, "And so 'the discord of two women,' to quote Carlyle, 'is as a little...

By: Bettina Von Hutten (1874-1957)

Book cover The Halo

By: John Todhunter (1839-1916)

Book cover The Black Cat A Play in Three Acts

By: Edward Marshall (1870-1933)

Book cover The Old Flute-Player A Romance of To-day

By: Eustace Hale Ball (1881-1931)

Book cover The Voice on the Wire

By: Alvin Addison

Book cover Ellen Walton Or, The Villain and His Victims

By: Elizabeth Madox Roberts (1881-1941)

Book cover In the Great Steep's Garden

By: George Van Schaick (1861-1924)

Book cover The Peace of Roaring River

By: Alvin Addison

Book cover Eveline Mandeville Or, The Horse Thief Rival

By: Elizabeth Madox Roberts (1881-1941)

Book cover Under the Tree

By: Charles Wesley Emerson (1837-1908)

Book cover Evolution of Expression — Volume 1

By: Eustace Hale Ball (1881-1931)

Book cover Traffic in Souls A Novel of Crime and Its Cure

By: Henry William Herbert (1807-1858)

Book cover The Roman Traitor, Vol. 2
Book cover The Roman Traitor, Vol. 1

By: John Todhunter (1839-1916)

Book cover Shelley and the Marriage Question

By: William Barnes (1801-1886)

Book cover Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect

By: Mary Tourtel (1874-1948)

Book cover A Horse Book

By: Cordenio A. Severance (1863?-1925)

Book cover Indian Legends of Minnesota

By: J. A. (John Arnold) Nicklin

Book cover Dickens-Land

By: N. (Nathaniel) Ames (1796-1835)

Book cover An Old Sailor's Yarns

By: V. R. Francis

Book cover The Flying Cuspidors

By: Henry Noel Brailsford (1873-1958)

Book cover Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle

By: Richard D. Blackmore (1654?-1729)

Book cover Essay upon Wit

By: Emily Henrietta Hickey (1845-1924)

Book cover Our Catholic Heritage in English Literature of Pre-Conquest Days

By: John Kelman (1864-1929)

Book cover Among Famous Books

By: Alicia Catherine Mant (-1869)

Book cover Christmas, A Happy Time A Tale, Calculated for the Amusement and Instruction of Young Persons

By: Arthur Herbert Leahy (1857-1928)

Book cover Heroic Romances of Ireland

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