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By: Alexander Whyte (1836-1921)

Book cover Sir Thomas Browne and his 'Religio Medici' an Appreciation
Book cover Bunyan Characters Volume I

This is the first volume of four which goes into the details of Characters from John Bunyan's books. This one is about characters of Pilgrims Progress.

Book cover Bunyan Characters (3rd Series)
Book cover Bunyan Characters Volume II

This is the second volume of four which goes into the details of Characters from John Bunyan's books. This one continues with the characters of Pilgrims Progress.

By: Alec Waugh (1898-1981)

Book cover The Loom of Youth

By: Thomas Washington Talley

Book cover Negro Folk Rhymes Wise and Otherwise: With a Study

By: Thomas Chandler Haliburton (1796-1865)

Book cover The Clockmaker — or, the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville
Book cover Nature and Human Nature
Book cover The Clockmaker Or, the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville
Book cover The Attaché; or, Sam Slick in England

By: Louis Klopsch (1852-1910)

Book cover Many Thoughts of Many Minds A Treasury of Quotations from the Literature of Every Land and Every Age

By: Allan Ramsay (1866-1932)

Book cover Told in the Coffee House

In the course of a number of visits to Constantinople, I became much interested in the tales that are told in the coffee houses. These are usually little more than rooms, with walls made of small panes of glass. The furniture consists of a tripod with a contrivance for holding the kettle, and a fire to keep the coffee boiling. A carpeted bench traverses the entire length of the room. This is occupied by turbaned Turks, their legs folded under them, smoking nargilehs or chibooks or cigarettes, and sipping coffee...

By: John Nichol (1833-1894)

Book cover Thomas Carlyle

By: Harl Vincent (1893-1968)

Book cover Wanderer of Infinity
Book cover Vulcan's Workshop
Book cover The Copper-Clad World
Book cover Creatures of Vibration

By: Ann S. Stephens (1810-1886)

Mabel's Mistake by Ann S. Stephens Mabel's Mistake
Book cover A Noble Woman
Book cover Phemie Frost's Experiences
Book cover The Old Countess; or, The Two Proposals

By: J. Allan Dunn (1872-1941)

Book cover Rimrock Trail

By: Albert Teichner

Book cover Cerebrum
Book cover Man Made

By: Robert Moore Williams (1907-1977)

Book cover Be It Ever Thus

By: Albert Teichner

Book cover Sweet Their Blood and Sticky

By: J. Allan Dunn (1872-1941)

Book cover A Man to His Mate

By: Paul Leicester Ford (1865-1902)

The Great K and A Train Robbery by Paul Leicester Ford The Great K and A Train Robbery

In this short novel the narrator is a superintendent on the K. & A. railroad, sometime in the late nineteenth century. The train is robbed somewhere in the Arizona desert. Various adventures involve this young superintendent. Romance is provided by a comely passenger.

By: Jim Harmon (1933-2010)

Book cover The Last Place on Earth

By: Michael Drayton (1563-1631)

Book cover Minor Poems of Michael Drayton

By: Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen (1848-1895)

Book cover Essays on Scandinavian Literature

By: Jim Harmon (1933-2010)

Book cover Measure for a Loner

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