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By: Ellis Parker Butler (1869-1937)

Book cover Cheerful Smugglers

Saving for the baby's education: how can a young family be disciplined so as to regularly put money in the pig (bank)? Why, put a tariff on all items coming into the house, just like the U.S. Government does/did for items coming into the country! But the devil is in the details; what about taxing items brought in by visitors? Is the housemaid herself a taxable item? What items really are 'necessaries' versus luxuries? When visitors arrive these guests stoop to either 'smuggling' in their luggage items to avoid having to pay up to 30% of the value, or wear only what they came dressed in...

Book cover Goat-Feathers
Book cover The Water goats and other troubles

By: Henry Oyen (1883-1921)

Book cover The Plunderer

By: Philip José Farmer (1918-2009)

Book cover They Twinkled Like Jewels

By: H. Beam Piper and John McGuire (1904-1964)

Book cover Hunter Patrol

World War IV has dragged on for 12 years and the whole world is drained and tired of the killing and destruction. One man, a high school chemistry teacher from St. Louis in the USA, is serving his latest forced stint in the UN forces when something strange happens to him. He dies but yet he doesn't. What if you had the power to bring peace to the entire world? What would you do? This story explores a frightening and strange journey into the murky depths of human needs and desires and how they can twist and turn back upon us.

By: Agnes Repplier (1855-1950)

Americans and Others by Agnes Repplier Americans and Others

A collection of sometimes biting, always clever commentaries on some of life's foibles -- as apt today as when Ms. Repplier wrote them in 1912. Though less know to modern readers, Repplier was in her prime ranked among the likes of Willa Cather. Note: Section 13 contains the word niggards. I put it in print here so that it will not be mistaken for a racial epithet when heard. (written by Mary Schneider)

By: Sebastian Brant (1458-1521)

Book cover The Ship of Fools, Volume 1

By: Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897)

Book cover Phoebe, Junior
Book cover The Doctor's Family
Book cover The Perpetual Curate
Book cover The Rector
Book cover Sir Tom

By: John C. Hutcheson (1840-1897)

The Ghost Ship by John C. Hutcheson The Ghost Ship

This book intentionally veers in and out of the supernatural, as the title implies. The officers get more and more bewildered as they work out their position, and yet again encounter the same vessel going in an impossible direction. Having warned you of this, I must say that it is a well-written book about life aboard an ocean-going steamer at about the end of the nineteenth century.

Book cover The Island Treasure
Book cover The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
Book cover Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
Book cover She and I, Volume 1 A Love Story. A Life History.
Book cover The White Squall A Story of the Sargasso Sea
Book cover She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.

By: Peter B. Kyne (1880-1957)

Book cover The Pride of Palomar
Book cover Captain Scraggs or, The Green-Pea Pirates
Book cover Cappy Ricks Or, the Subjugation of Matt Peasley
Book cover The Long Chance

By: Hall Caine (1853-1931)

Book cover The Christian A Story
Book cover The Eternal City
Book cover Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Book cover Works Of Hall Caine
Book cover The Scapegoat; a romance and a parable
Book cover A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
Book cover The Shadow of a Crime A Cumbrian Romance
Book cover Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon

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