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His Own People By: Booth Tarkington
A Face Illumined By: Edward Payson Roe
Greville Fane By: Henry James
Cressy By: Bret Harte
The Swiss Twins By: Lucy Fitch Perkins
When Egypt Went Broke By: Holman Day
The Adventures of a Boy Reporter By: Harry Steele Morrison
Cape Cod Stories By: Joseph Crosby Lincoln
The Young Fur Traders By: Robert Michael Ballantyne
Imogen A Pastoral Romance By: William Godwin
James Pethel By: Max Beerbohm
Devil's Ford By: Bret Harte
The Story of a Mine By: Bret Harte
The Golden House By: Charles Dudley Warner
Dr. Breen's Practice By: William Dean Howells
Missy By: Dana Gatlin
Conscience By: Hector Malot
An Attic Philosopher in Paris By: Émile Souvestre
What the Animals Do and Say By: Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
The Malady of the Century By: Max Simon Nordau
Martie, the Unconquered By: Kathleen Thompson Norris
Finger Posts on the Way of Life By: Timothy S. Arthur

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