In "White Dandy: A Horse's Story," Velma Caldwell Melville beautifully captures the essence of a horse's life through the eyes of the titular character, White Dandy. The narrative follows White Dandy on his journey through various owners and experiences, showcasing the harsh realities and challenges faced by horses in the 19th century.
Melville's writing is poignant and evocative, drawing readers into White Dandy's world and eliciting a deep sense of empathy for the plight of horses during this time period. The author skillfully weaves themes of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance throughout the story, making White Dandy a relatable and endearing protagonist.
As a companion book to the classic "Black Beauty," "White Dandy" offers readers a unique and insightful perspective on the life of a horse, shedding light on the often overlooked struggles and hardships they faced in a society focused on human interests. Melville's attention to detail and historical accuracy add depth and authenticity to the narrative, enriching the overall reading experience.
Overall, "White Dandy: A Horse's Story" is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant tale that will appeal to fans of animal fiction and historical novels alike. Melville's eloquent storytelling and heartfelt portrayal of White Dandy make this book a compelling and memorable read that sheds light on the enduring bond between humans and horses.
Book Description:
This book is written from the horse's point of view, much as Black Beauty was. Indeed, it is intended to be a companion book to Black Beauty, filling in more background as seen by the horse. The title is actually White Dandy or Master and I: A Horse's Story. What do horses talk about among themselves? Do they have personalities, some dour and unhappy others buoyant and upbeat just as we humans do? Do horses anticipate good times and fear bad owners? Well, if you listen to a chapter or two of this book you will have a delightful glimpse into a horse's life and thoughts.