By: Kyōka Izumi (1873-1939)
"歌行灯 (Utaandon)" by Kyōka Izumi is a hauntingly beautiful novel that combines elements of poetry and prose to create a rich and atmospheric tale. The story follows a young poet who becomes obsessed with a mysterious woman who may or may not be a ghost. The writing is lyrical and evocative, drawing the reader into a world where reality and fantasy blur together. Izumi's vivid descriptions bring the setting to life, making it feel as if the reader is walking through the streets of Meiji-era Japan alongside the characters. The novel is a captivating exploration of love, obsession, and the power of storytelling. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys literary fiction with a touch of the supernatural.Book Description: 二人の老人が桑名の駅に降り立った。彼らは、伊勢から東京への帰路で、そこの宿に泊まった。若い男、流しの歌い手が桑名のうどん屋で休みをとった。この二つの話が平行して語られ、最後にひとつに混じり合う。
Two elderly men get off the train at Kuwana Station. They are on the way back from Ise to Tokyo and they stay at an inn in Kuwana. A young man, a travelling singer, rests at a noodle shop in Kuwana. The stories of the men parallel each other and merge at the end. The book has been translated into English as "A Song by Lantern Light".