By: Elizabeth Raffald (1733-1781)
The Experienced English Housekeeper by Elizabeth Raffald is a comprehensive guide to running a household in 18th century England. Raffald offers practical advice on how to manage a household, cook meals, and care for a family. Her detailed instructions cover everything from cleaning techniques to preserving fruits and vegetables.
One of the standout features of this book is Raffald's engaging writing style. She presents her advice in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to follow along. The book is also filled with charming anecdotes and stories that give readers a glimpse into daily life during this time period.
While some of the information in The Experienced English Housekeeper may be outdated or no longer relevant, there are still plenty of timeless tips and tricks that can be applied to modern-day living. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in historical housekeeping practices, as well as those looking to improve their home management skills. Overall, The Experienced English Housekeeper is a delightful and informative read that is sure to appeal to history buffs and homemakers alike. Book Description:
'Cut a large old hare in small pieces, and put it in a mug with three blades of mace, a little salt, two large onions, one red herring, six morels, half a pint of red wine, three quarts of water, bake it in a quick oven three hours...'. English cooking at its best from eighteenth-century celebrity chef, Elizabeth Raffald. Born in Doncaster, Raffald worked for 15 years as housekeeper in great houses, including that of Lady Elisabeth Warburton at Arley Hall, Cheshire, before setting up as a confectioner and innkeeper in Manchester. The Experienced English Housekeeper was published in 1769 and ran to 13 editions. This reading is from the 10th edition (1786) and includes 900 recipes (or as listeners will discover, receipts). Vegetarians take note, some sections of this book contain large quantities of meat!