Christmas Reindeer by Thornton W. Burgess is a heartwarming story about a young reindeer named Lightfoot who is determined to help Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The vivid descriptions of the North Pole and the reindeer's journey through the snowy forest bring the story to life, making it perfect for reading aloud to children during the holiday season.
The characters are charming and relatable, especially Lightfoot, who is brave and resourceful despite his young age. Burgess does a wonderful job of portraying the magic of Christmas and the importance of friendship and teamwork.
Overall, Christmas Reindeer is a delightful read that will be enjoyed by readers of all ages. It is a perfect addition to any holiday book collection and is sure to become a new Christmas tradition for families to enjoy together. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a heartwarming and festive story to read during the holiday season.
Book Description:
Tuktu and her brother, Aklak, are Eskimo children who live happily with their beloved reindeer in the Northland. When Tuktu is lost in a fog, she meets Santa Claus or the Good Spirit as she knows him. This generous little girl wants to share her reindeer with the children of the world and so works to help Santa on his annual Christmas journey. - Summary by Jude Somers