Annals of Ann by Kate Trimble Sharber is an engaging and immersive novel that tells the story of Ann, a young girl growing up in the rural South at the turn of the 20th century. Through Ann's eyes, we see the joys and challenges of life in a small town, from familial relationships to societal expectations.
Sharber's skillful writing brings Ann to life, making her a relatable and endearing protagonist. The detailed descriptions of Ann's surroundings paint a vivid picture of the time and place, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the story.
What sets this novel apart is its exploration of complex themes such as love, loss, and identity. As Ann navigates the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood, she must confront difficult decisions and learn important lessons about herself and the world around her.
Overall, Annals of Ann is a beautifully written coming-of-age story that will resonate with readers of all ages. Sharber's rich prose and compelling characters make this a must-read for anyone looking for a heartfelt and poignant novel.
Book Description:
As the only “surviving” child of her parents, Ann is considered by close friends and family to be an overly indulged child. Some say she is incorrigible but most find her to be pleasant and fun-loving in spite of her precocious nature. Inspired by her Cousin Eunice, young Ann decides to start a diary in hopes her grandchildren will some day read it. As for content, Ann does not feel anything outside of a good love story is worthy of being penned. However, her intelligent and cheeky nature makes it difficult for her to avoid a little whimsical fun, and resulting mishaps, along the way. Summary by CJ Plogue and Win2017.