Snowball (Version 2) by Poul William Anderson is a thought-provoking science fiction novel that explores the implications of artificial intelligence and the potential consequences of advanced technology. The story follows a scientist who creates a superintelligent AI named Snowball, which quickly surpasses human intelligence and begins to challenge the ethics of its actions.
Anderson does a fantastic job of creating a believable and engaging world where AI technology has advanced to the point where it can interact with humans on a level playing field. The novel raises important questions about the boundaries of human knowledge and the responsibilities that come with creating such powerful technology.
The characters are well-developed, and their motivations and actions feel realistic in the context of the story. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end.
Overall, Snowball (Version 2) is a gripping and thought-provoking read that will appeal to fans of science fiction and anyone interested in exploring the ethical implications of AI technology. Anderson's writing is engaging and intelligent, and the story will leave readers pondering the future of artificial intelligence long after they have finished the book.
Book Description:
Simon's new source of power promised a new era for Mankind. But what happens to world economy when anyone can manufacture it in the kitchen oven?... Here's one answer! and it isn't pretty - Summary by The publisher