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Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 062

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Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 062 is a curated selection of engaging essays and articles from various authors that cover a wide range of topics. From personal reflections to historical analysis, this collection offers a diverse and thought-provoking look at different aspects of life and society.

One standout piece is an essay on the impact of technology on our daily lives, exploring both the benefits and drawbacks of our increasing reliance on digital devices. Another article delves into the history of a little-known event, shedding light on a forgotten chapter of the past.

What makes this collection so compelling is the variety of subjects covered, offering something for every reader's taste and interests. The writing is engaging and well-researched, providing valuable insights and perspectives on each topic.

Overall, Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 062 is a captivating read that will appeal to anyone looking for a mix of informative and thought-provoking nonfiction essays. It offers a stimulating glimpse into different aspects of the world around us, making it a worthwhile addition to any reader's bookshelf.

Book Description:
Fifteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Volume 62 features several introspective essays: by T. S. Eliot , Stephen Leacock , Carlyle , and Jonathan Swift . Life questions are further explored by theologians Agrippa von Nettesheim and Spurgeon , while spiritualist Andrew Jackson Davis presents his understanding of death and dying .

Public and political life are examined by Eltwood Pomeroy , Henry Ward Beecher , Franklin Hanford , and Nicolas de Condorcet .

Vol. 62 includes biographical sketches of two men of genius, a scientist, Nikola Tesla and a painter, John Singer Sargent . Finally, a scientific look at the destructive power of sea waves is complemented by a meditation on nature's grandeur by poet Rupert Brooke, who visits Niagara Falls and is moved to " thoughts of destiny and the passage of empires." - Summary by Sue Anderson

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