Psychological Warfare by Cordwainer Smith is an intense and gripping novel that explores the depths of the human mind and the power of psychological manipulation. The story follows a group of soldiers who are trained in the art of psychological warfare, using their skills to infiltrate enemy territory and subvert their enemies' thoughts and actions.
Smith's writing style is both thought-provoking and engaging, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat as the characters navigate the complex world of espionage and deception. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each grappling with their own inner demons and moral dilemmas.
One of the standout aspects of the novel is Smith's exploration of the psychological effects of warfare on the human psyche. He delves into the trauma and emotional toll that comes with manipulating others and navigating a world of constant danger and deceit.
Overall, Psychological Warfare is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and military fiction. Smith's masterful storytelling and exploration of the darker side of human nature make this novel a truly unforgettable read.
Book Description:
Psychological warfare and propaganda have been used extensively in warfare since the earliest times. This book explores the functions, limitations, types, and history of psychological warfare through 1953. It was written by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, a US Army officer, a noted East Asia scholar, and an expert in psychological warfare, also known by the pseudonym Cordwainer Smith as a science fiction author. Linebarger had extensive experience with the practice and implementation of psychological warfare techniques in the field through his work with the Office of War Information, the Operation Planning and Intelligence Board, and the CIA.
The text contains many pictured examples of propaganda. The listener is encouraged to view them HERE. - Summary by Karlgermain and TriciaG