"Princesses" is a delightful collection of short stories centered around princesses from various cultures and backgrounds. Each story is beautifully written and filled with strong, independent female characters who defy stereotypes and show that princesses can be so much more than just a pretty face.
The diverse range of princesses represented in this book is truly refreshing, showcasing different personalities, strengths, and struggles. From fearless warriors to clever tricksters, each princess has her own unique story to tell, making for a compelling read that keeps you engaged from start to finish.
The writing style is captivating, drawing readers in with vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue. The stories are both heartwarming and empowering, emphasizing the importance of bravery, compassion, and individuality.
Overall, "Princesses" is a fantastic book that celebrates the diversity and strength of princesses from around the world. It is a must-read for anyone who loves tales of adventure, courage, and the power of female characters.
Book Description:
As Shirley Temple once famously cried (quoting Frances H Burnett), 'Every girl is a princess!', so here are 15 public domain princess stories of the group's own choosing to prove it.