By: Theodor Storm (1817-1888)
Pole Poppenspäler by Theodor Storm is a charming and heartwarming story that follows the life of a popular puppeteer, Pole Poppenspäler, as he navigates the ups and downs of life in a small German village. The characters are well-developed and the setting is beautifully described, making it easy to immerse oneself in the world of the story.
What sets this book apart is its exploration of themes such as love, loss, and the passage of time. The reader is taken on a journey with Pole as he experiences joy and heartbreak, ultimately learning valuable lessons about life and love along the way. Storm's writing is elegant and evocative, capturing the essence of the time period and the emotions of the characters.
Overall, Pole Poppenspäler is a timeless tale that will appeal to readers of all ages. It is a story that will stay with you long after you finish reading, leaving you with a sense of nostalgia and a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life. Book Description:
“Pole Poppenspäler” erzählt die Geschichte der Kinderfreundschaft und späteren Liebe zwischen Paul Paulsen, dem Sohn eines angesehenen Bürgers einer norddeutschen Kleinstadt, und Lisei, der Tochter des fahrenden Puppenspielers Joseph Tendler. Die Städter lachen über Tendlers Spiel, ihn selbst und seine Familie jedoch verachten sie wegen ihres “Vagabundenlebens”. Immer wieder müssen sich Pauls und Liseis Gefühle gegen die harten Vorurteile der Gesellschaft bewähren.