Medicine-Men Of The Apache provides a fascinating insight into the world of the Apache tribe and their traditional healing practices. John Gregory Bourke's meticulous research and firsthand accounts make this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in Native American culture.
The book delves into the role of medicine men within Apache society, exploring their spiritual beliefs, rituals, and the methods they used to heal the sick and perform healing ceremonies. Bourke's writing is engaging and informative, with vivid descriptions that bring the Apache culture to life.
One of the strengths of the book is Bourke's respect for the Apache people and their traditions. He presents their beliefs and practices without judgment or bias, allowing readers to gain a genuine understanding of their way of life.
Overall, Medicine-Men Of The Apache is a well-researched and absorbing read that sheds light on a little-known aspect of Native American culture. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and traditions of the Apache tribe.
Book Description:
“Herewith I have the honor to submit a paper upon the paraphernalia of the medicine-men of the Apache and other tribes. Analogues have been pointed out, wherever possible, especially in the case of the hoddentin and the izze-kloth, which have never to my knowledge previously received treatment.” . Bourke was a Medal of Honor awardee in the American Civil War whose subsequent Army career included several campaigns in the Indian wars of the mid to late 19th century in the American West. He wrote prolifically. He was mostly free of the unfortunate disdain for Native Americans common in 19th century America. He was quite admiring of many aspects of the Native American. “… Bourke had the opportunity to witness every facet of life in the Old West—the battles, wildlife, the internal squabbling among the military, the Indian Agency, settlers, and Native Americans.” - Summary by David Wales