Making Fate by Pansy is a thought-provoking novel that explores the concept of destiny versus free will. The author expertly weaves together a compelling narrative that follows the lives of several characters who all find themselves grappling with the idea of fate.
Throughout the book, Pansy tackles complex themes such as choice, responsibility, and the consequences of our actions. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy for readers to become invested in their journeys.
One of the strengths of the novel is the way in which Pansy creates a sense of tension and suspense, keeping the reader on edge as they wonder what will happen next. The pacing is excellent, with each chapter building upon the last, leading to a satisfying and impactful conclusion.
Overall, Making Fate is a captivating and thought-provoking read that will leave readers pondering the intricacies of fate and the power we have to shape our own destinies. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling and engaging story with a deeper philosophical undertone.
Book Description:
A group of young adults away on a nutting expedition is delayed in a hospitable home by a sudden rainstorm. After the storm, Marjorie insists that she must get home that night, albeit late, out of respect and care for her mother. Others want to extend the fun and stay away overnight. Ralph, the driver of their wagon and unspoken beau of Marjorie, is swayed by the teasing ridicule of Estelle to refuse to take them home that night. Unknown to the party, unexpected opportunities occur at Ralph's and Estelle's homes that same night, and their delay and subsequent actions profoundly affect the course of all three of their lives. Sequel: Overruled