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Majoor Frans

Majoor Frans by A.L.G. Bosboom-Toussaint
By: (1812-1886)

Majoor Frans by A.L.G. Bosboom-Toussaint is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves into themes of love, duty, and societal expectations. The protagonist, Major Frans van Hagemeijer, is a complex and compelling character who undergoes a transformative journey throughout the novel.

The author skillfully weaves together romance, intrigue, and social commentary to create a multi-dimensional story that keeps the reader engaged from beginning to end. Bosboom-Toussaint's writing is both eloquent and evocative, transporting the reader to the Dutch countryside and immersing them in the world of 19th-century society.

While the novel may feel a bit slow-paced at times, the richly drawn characters and detailed descriptions make each scene come to life. The tension between Major Frans' sense of duty and her desire for independence adds depth to the story and keeps the reader guessing about the outcome of her personal struggles.

Overall, Majoor Frans is a highly enjoyable read that offers a unique glimpse into the complexities of love and societal expectations in 19th-century Netherlands. Bosboom-Toussaint's masterful storytelling and intricate character development make this novel a must-read for fans of historical fiction.

Book Description:

An impoverished young nobleman, Leopold, has unexpectedly been left a large fortune at the death of a distant relative – under one condition: that he marry a young cousin of hers. This young woman, called Francis, has been raised by her grandfather, who is a general. She has had an unconventional upbringing which has left her independent, outspoken and rough in her manners, with a love for horse riding and fencing, and a resolution never to marry. This unwomanly behavior has earned her the nickname “Major Frans”. Leopold falls in love with her, and decides to try and win her as his bride. This book, written in 1874, is considered a character novel influenced by the emerging women emancipation movements of the time. [Description written by Anna Simon]. Recording in Dutch.

Een arme jonker, Leopold, wordt onverwacht een grote erfenis in het vooruitzicht gesteld na de dood van een oud-tante – onder één voorwaarde: hij moet met een nichtje van haar trouwen. Deze jonge vrouw, die Francis heet, is opgegroeid onder de hoede van haar grootvader, een generaal in het leger. Ze heeft een onconventionele opvoeding gehad die haar onafhankelijk van geest, brutaal en ruw in haar manier van doen heeft gemaakt; ze houdt van schermen en snelle paarden, en heeft zich voorgenomen om nooit te trouwen. Dit on-vrouwelijke gedrag heeft geleid tot haar bijnaam: “Majoor Frans”. Leopold wordt verliefd op haar, en besluit om te proberen haar voor zich te winnen. Dit boek, geschreven in 1874, wordt beschouwd als een karakterroman als reactie op de opkomende vrouwen-emancipatie bewegingen in die tijd. [Beschrijving door Anna Simon] Gelezen in het Nederlands

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Reviewer: - March 28, 2017
Subject: Majoor Frans
Simply there are no words to describe the sheer power of this Dutch classic. I am a great lover of books but this one will forever have something very unique and special about it for me. It has truly touched my heart and soul and its my hope it wil touch any future readers or listeners of the story. By all means, give it your patience: you'll be well rewarded.

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