Listy z podróży po Ameryce by Henryk Sienkiewicz is a captivating and enlightening collection of letters written by the renowned Polish writer during his journey through America. Sienkiewicz's keen observations and insightful commentary provide readers with a unique perspective on American society, culture, and politics during the late 19th century.
The author's vivid descriptions of the landscapes, cities, and people he encountered during his travels bring the reader along on his journey, allowing them to experience the sights and sounds of America through his eyes. Sienkiewicz's writing is both informative and entertaining, as he shares his thoughts on everything from the bustling streets of New York City to the vast expanses of the American West.
One of the most compelling aspects of Listy z podróży po Ameryce is Sienkiewicz's reflections on the social and political issues of his time, including race relations, immigration, and the role of women in society. His observations are often thought-provoking and offer valuable insights into the complexities of American life during this period.
Overall, Listy z podróży po Ameryce is a must-read for anyone interested in history, travel, or the writings of Henryk Sienkiewicz. Its combination of lyrical prose, keen observations, and incisive commentary make it a truly engaging and enlightening read.
Book Description:
W listach wysyłanych do "Gazety Polskiej" Henryk Sienkiewicz opisał swoje wrażenia z wielomiesięcznych podróży od wschodniego po zachodni brzeg Stanów Zjednoczonych. Znajdziemy tu wrażenia z podróży transatlantykiem i koleją, opisy ludzi zamieszkujących ten kraj zarówno w miastach jak i na otoczonych dziką przyrodą bezdrożach, a także obserwacje na temat natury.
Ponieważ niektóre spośród przesłanych przez Henryka Sienkiewicza listów nie znalazły się w tekście będącym podstawą dla tego nagrania, zostaną one ujęte w osobnej kolekcji.