Kees de Jongen is a captivating coming-of-age novel that follows the life of a young boy named Kees growing up in Amsterdam in the early 20th century. Written by Theo Thijssen, the story beautifully captures the innocence and wonder of childhood, as well as the struggles and triumphs of adolescence.
The novel is filled with charming and relatable characters, from Kees' loving family to his mischievous classmates. Thijssen does an excellent job of portraying the complexities of growing up, including the challenges of school, friendships, and first love. Kees' daydreams and vivid imagination bring a sense of whimsy to the story, making him a protagonist that readers of all ages will root for.
Thijssen's writing style is lyrical and evocative, drawing readers into Kees' world and making them feel as though they are experiencing his adventures alongside him. The book is a delightful blend of humor, heart, and nostalgia, making it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.
Overall, Kees de Jongen is a touching and heartfelt novel that reminds us of the magic and innocence of childhood. Thijssen's rich storytelling and memorable characters make this a book that will stay with readers long after they have finished reading it.
Book Description:
"Vele mensen schijnen Kees Bakels niet eens te hebben gekend, en dat is eigenlik niet goed te begrijpen. Is hij niet zowat de belangrijkste jongen geweest, die er ooit bestaan heeft? (...) Ik maak me sterk, als ik 'n beetje op-slag weet te komen met deze beschrijving, dat sommige lezers af-en-toe zullen zeggen: ‘O, diè jongen? Nee maar nou herinner ik me toch óók-wel; zeker, die heb ik ook gekend; 't is een tijdlang zelfs een speciaal vriendje van me geweest!’
Het is aan die lezers, dat ik met een knipoogje dit rare boek opdraag." (uit de proloog)