In "Gan" by Ōgai Mori, readers are transported to Meiji-era Japan, experiencing the societal and political changes that were happening during that time. The story follows the protagonist, Shokichi Kurayama, as he navigates his personal struggles and conflicts within a rapidly modernizing society.
Mori's writing style is elegant and immersive, painting a vivid picture of the world in which the characters live. The themes of identity, duty, and class are expertly woven throughout the narrative, prompting readers to ponder on what it means to truly find oneself in a changing world.
The characters in "Gan" are complex and multi-dimensional, each grappling with their own internal conflicts and desires. Kurayama's journey of self-discovery is particularly poignant, as he comes to terms with his own sense of belonging and purpose in a world that is rapidly evolving around him.
Overall, "Gan" is a beautifully written novel that offers a unique glimpse into a transformative period in Japanese history. Mori's exploration of identity and societal change is both thought-provoking and deeply moving, making this a must-read for fans of historical fiction and Japanese literature.
Book Description:
The storyteller describes about the love between Okada (his friend) & Otama (a mistress of an usurer). Okada met Otama when he's walking around. (by ekzemplaro)