By: Henry james (1843-1916)
Collaboration by Henry James is a compelling and thought-provoking book that delves into the complexities of working together towards a common goal. The story follows a group of individuals who come together to create a masterpiece, each bringing their unique talents and perspectives to the table. James skillfully navigates the dynamics of collaboration, exploring themes of power struggles, jealousy, and the delicate balance between individual creativity and collective effort. The characters are well-developed and the plot is engaging, keeping readers invested until the very end. Overall, Collaboration is a captivating read that sheds light on the beauty and challenges of working together towards a shared vision.Book Description: It is Paris sometime after the Franco-Prussian War (1870--Germany won--the French Second Republic collapsed--France embittered). A French poet and a German composer come to admire one another's work and decide to collaborate on an opera. There are costs to pay. ( david wales)