Coffee Break Collection 026 - It's a Small World is a delightful collection of short stories from various authors. Each story offers a unique perspective on the theme of small world encounters, reminding readers that our lives are more interconnected than we may realize.
The stories are engaging and well-written, making it easy to get lost in the different worlds created by the authors. From chance meetings on a train to unexpected connections at a coffee shop, each story captures the magic of meeting someone who ends up having a significant impact on your life.
Overall, It's a Small World is a charming collection that is perfect for a quick read during a coffee break. It's a reminder that even in our vast world, we are all connected in some way. Highly recommend for those who enjoy heartwarming stories with a touch of serendipity.
Book Description:
This is the 26th Coffee Break Collection, in which readers select and read poems, fiction and non-fiction pieces of fifteen minutes' duration or less. The subject for this collection is "It's a Small World". Readers have interpreted this in their own way, so we have selections such as Asteroids, Small Country Houses of Today and stories for "small people", such as Jack and the Beanstalk.