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Little Engel a ballad with a series of epigrams from the Persian   By: (1859-1937)

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Little Engel is a captivating book that takes readers on a journey through the Persian ballads and epigrams, beautifully translated by Thomas James Wise. This collection of poems transports us to an intriguing world filled with rich cultural heritage and enchanting storytelling.

Wise's translation is truly a work of art, as he expertly brings the essence and beauty of the Persian language to life. The rhythmic flow of the verses and the vivid imagery created by the words make it a delight to read. Each ballad and epigram serves as a window into the Persian culture, offering readers a glimpse into its traditions, beliefs, and values.

One of the remarkable aspects of Little Engel is the overarching theme of love and longing. Through tender and heartfelt verses, the book explores the complexities of human emotions, particularly the intense desire and yearning that often accompany love. These evocative poems evoke a deep sense of emotion within the reader, creating a powerful connection to the characters and their experiences.

Another aspect that stands out in Wise's translation is the authentic portrayal of Persian folklore and mythology. The myths and legends woven into the verses add an element of magic and mysticism to the collection. Readers will find themselves immersed in tales of mythical creatures, heroic deeds, and divine intervention, as the book seamlessly intertwines folklore with the everyday experiences of ordinary people.

Furthermore, Wise's meticulous attention to detail is evident in the translator's notes and annotations accompanying each poem. These provide valuable insights and explanations, allowing readers to better understand the cultural nuances and historical context. It adds a layer of depth to the collection, enhancing the overall reading experience.

While the beauty and depth of Little Engel are undoubtedly its strengths, some readers may find the complexity of the language challenging. The poetic nature of the verses, although exquisite, may require a careful reading to fully grasp the intended meanings. However, this should not deter potential readers, as the rewards of immersing oneself in the world of Persian ballads far outweigh any initial difficulties.

In conclusion, Little Engel is a remarkable collection of Persian ballads and epigrams, masterfully translated by Thomas James Wise. It offers readers a glimpse into a rich cultural heritage, immersing them in a world of love, longing, and mythical wonders. This book is a true treasure for poetry enthusiasts and those seeking to explore the beauty of Persian literature.

First Page:






It was the little Engel, he So handsome was and gay; To Upland rode he on a tide And bore a maid away.

In ill hour he to Upland rode And made a maid his prize; The first night they together lay Was down by Vesteryse.

It was the little Engel he Awoke at black midnight, And straight begins his dream to state In terror and affright.

“Methought the wolf whelp and his dam, The laidly she wolf gray, Tore out my heart, and twixt their teeth Did hold it as I lay.”

“That thou dream’st little Engel thus Can cause slight wonderment, When me thou’st ta’en by might and main Nor asked my friends’ consent.”

In came Solwey Johnsen then And stood before the table; He was I ween, a clever lad, And well to speak was able.

“Hear thou, my lord, Little Engel, Rise up and straight begone; For here Sir Godey Loumand comes By four ways to the town... Continue reading book >>

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