The House with the Twisting Passage by Marion St. John Webb is a captivating mystery novel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. The story follows a young girl named Jane who moves with her family to a spooky old house in the countryside. As Jane explores her new surroundings, she discovers a hidden twisting passage that leads to unexpected and thrilling adventures.
Webb's writing is engaging and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of the mysterious house and its secrets. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy for readers to become invested in their journey. Each twist and turn in the plot keeps the reader guessing, as Jane and her friends unravel the mysteries of the house and its occupants.
The House with the Twisting Passage is a delightful read for fans of mystery and suspense. It is a perfect blend of intrigue, suspense, and adventure that will keep readers turning the pages until the very end. Webb's intricate storytelling and attention to detail make this novel a must-read for anyone looking for a thrilling and engaging mystery.
Book Description:
When Jenny goes to stay with her Aunt Abby, a caretaker in a grand old manor-house, she discovers a wonderful twisting passage on the second floor with an array of colourful characters living in the rooms along it – each of them with a story to tell.