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De 'handel in blanke slavinnen'.   By:

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"De 'handel in blanke slavinnen' by Wolter Louis Albert Collard is a compelling and thought-provoking novel that delves into the dark world of human trafficking. The author's vivid descriptions and emotive writing style make the reader feel deeply connected to the characters and their plight.

Collard's attention to detail and thorough research on the subject matter is evident throughout the book, shedding light on the harsh realities of exploitation and abuse that many women face in the modern world. The story is both harrowing and eye-opening, showcasing the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

While the subject matter is difficult to read about, Collard handles it with sensitivity and compassion, highlighting the importance of raising awareness about such issues. Overall, 'De 'handel in blanke slavinnen' is a powerful and important novel that will stay with readers long after they have finished reading it."

First Page:

De "handel in blanke slavinnen".

Academisch Proefschrift

Ter verkrijging van den graad van Doctor in de Rechtswetenschap Aan de universiteit van Amsterdam,

Op gezag van den rector magnificus

Dr. S. Cramer,

Hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid,

In het openbaar te verdedigen op Woensdag 11 Juli 1900, des namiddags te 4 uren, In de aula der Universiteit,


Wolter Louis Albert Collard,

Geboren te Soestdijk.


Boek , kunst & handelsdrukkerij v/h. Gebroeders Binger.



mijn Vader en mijne Stiefmoeder.


Inleiding blz. 1 Hoofdstuk I. Aard van den handel in blanke slavinnen 4 Hoofdstuk II. Omvang 36 Hoofdstuk III. Oorzaken 57 Hoofdstuk IV... Continue reading book >>

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