Cinco Minutos |
"Cinco Minutos" by José de Alencar is an engaging and suspenseful tale that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the Brazilian countryside. The novel follows the story of a young woman who finds herself in a dangerous situation and must rely on her wits and resourcefulness to escape.
Alencar's writing is rich and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of the vibrant landscapes and colorful characters that populate the novel. The pacing of the story is quick and keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eager to see what will happen next.
The protagonist is a strong and independent woman who faces numerous challenges throughout the story, but never loses her resolve or her sense of agency. Her determination and intelligence make her a compelling character to follow, and readers will find themselves rooting for her as she navigates the twists and turns of the plot.
Overall, "Cinco Minutos" is a captivating read that combines thrilling adventure with a thought-provoking exploration of themes such as love, loyalty, and courage. Alencar's storytelling is masterful, drawing readers in and holding their attention until the very last page. Book Description: |
Genres for this book |
Fiction |
Literature |
Romance |
Links related to this book |
Wikipedia - Cinco Minutos |
Wikipedia - José de Alencar |
Domínio Público e-text |
Reviews (Rated: 4 Stars - 2 reviews) |
Reviewer: cinthia - May 23, 2017 Subject: Carvalho Uma Delícia de livro! Leve!! |
Reviewer: Leonardo Soares - January 6, 2017 Subject: Romântico ao extremo Um tradicional livro de José de Alencar: com personagem que faz coisas inacreditáveis por algo que julga ser amor. No áudio, as infinitas descrições minuciosas são bem mais toleráveis que no papel. |