This enigmatic text is a fascinating and surreal journey through alchemical symbolism, esoteric knowledge, and spiritual transformation. The story follows Christian Rosenkreutz as he embarks on a mysterious and mystical journey that takes him through seven days of symbolic trials and revelations. Through these trials, Rosenkreutz undergoes a process of inner alchemy and spiritual growth, ultimately leading him to a deeper understanding of the divine mysteries of the universe.
The writing is rich with symbolism and allegory, drawing on a variety of esoteric traditions and philosophies. The narrative is both engaging and thought-provoking, challenging readers to think deeply about the nature of reality, the search for spiritual enlightenment, and the mysteries of the universe. The text is filled with intricate puzzles and hidden meanings, inviting readers to unravel its mysteries and discover deeper truths within its pages.
Overall, The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz is a captivating and thought-provoking work that will appeal to readers interested in alchemy, mysticism, and the esoteric traditions of the Western world. It is a truly unique and intriguing text that will leave readers pondering its mysteries long after they have finished reading.
Book Description:
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz was edited in 1616 in Strasbourg (annexed by France in 1681). It is the third of the original manifestos of the mysterious "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" (Rosicrucians).
NOTE: It was translated into English for the first time in 1690 by E. Foxcroft. This translation became the source for many of the modern attempts to improve the original. The translation presented here is that of E. Foxcroft.
Although the book first appeared in 1616, the story takes place over 150 years earlier. It is an allegoric romance (story) divided into Seven Days, or Seven Journeys, like Genesis, and tells us about the way Christian Rosenkreuz was invited to go to a wonderful castle full of miracles, in order to assist the Chymical Wedding of the king and the queen, that is, the husband and the bride. The story begins on an evening near Easter. In the final chapter—the seventh day—CRC is knighted; the year is 1459. It was on Easter-day 1459 that the Constitutions of the Freemasons of Strasburg was first signed in Regensburg, with a second signed shortly afterwards in Strasburg. The Gutenberg Bible began printing in Mainz, Germany in 1455, and the first Bible in German, the Mentel Bible, was printed in Strasburg in 1466. The invitation to the royal wedding includes the Monas Hieroglyphica associated with John Dee. (Summary by