Billy in Bunbury is a heartwarming children's book that follows the adventures of a young boy named Billy as he navigates life in the charming town of Bunbury. The story is beautifully illustrated and captures the innocence and wonder of childhood.
The book's message of friendship and kindness is timely and important, especially in today's world. Billy's interactions with the various characters in Bunbury remind readers of the value of compassion and understanding.
Overall, Billy in Bunbury is a delightful read that will appeal to both children and adults. Its timeless themes and engaging storytelling make it a book worth revisiting time and time again.
Book Description:
This 1924 poem/recipe book, designed as promotional material for the Royal Baking Powder Company, is set in the Oz community of Bunbury. Little Billy, who won’t eat, is taken to the delicious kingdom Bunbury by King Hun Bun to help whet his appetite. Meanwhile, the King leaves the boy’s mother with a recipe book for treats, made easy by the use of Price’s Baking Powder.
Written by Ruth Plumly Thompson, though neither her name, nor the illustrator’s (Gertrude Kay) appears on the book.