"雞肋編" by Chuo Zhuang is a collection of short stories that explore the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Each story is a snapshot of life, exploring themes of love, loss, and longing. The author's writing is poignant and evocative, drawing the reader into each character's world and making them feel deeply for their struggles and triumphs. The stories are beautifully written, with vivid descriptions and authentic dialogue that bring each scene to life. Overall, "雞肋編" is a compelling and moving read that stays with you long after you've finished it.First Page:
书名: 雞肋編 莊綽 著Title: Jilei Bian Author: Zhuang Chuo
雞肋編 宋 莊綽
昔曹孟德既平漢中,欲因討蜀而不得進,守之又難為功,操出教唯曰「雞肋」 而已,外莫能曉。楊修獨曰:「夫雞肋食之則無所得,棄之則如可惜。公歸計決 矣。」阿瞞之績無見於策,而其空言竟著於後,是豈非雞肋之臘邪?然方其撅蘆 菔、鳧茈而餓於墻壁之間,幸而得之,雖不及於兔肩,視牛骨為愈矣。予之此書 殆類於是,故以「雞肋」名之。紹興三年二月九日,清源莊季裕書。
歐陽文忠有《贈介甫》詩雲:「翰林風月三千首,吏部文章二百年。老去自 憐心尚在,後來誰與子爭先?」王答雲:「它日若能窺孟子,終身何敢望韓公。」 余少時聞人謂吏部乃隱侯,非文公也;翰林詩無三千,亦非太白。後見《沈約傳》 ,雖嘗為吏部郎,及稱謝朓雲:「二百年來無此詩。」謂由建安至宋元嘉二百三 十餘年,舉其全數耳。自嘉祐上至唐元和,余二百五十年,去元嘉則遠矣,則吏 部蓋指韓也。鄭谷有《題太白集》詩雲:「何事文星與酒星,一時分付李先生。 高吟大醉三千首,留著人間伴月明。」永叔所引,但用沈二百年之語,加於退之, 以對翰林三千首耳。詩年之數,安在如書馬數馬乎?
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