"幽夢影" by Chao Zhang is a captivating and haunting novel that follows the life of Mei, a young woman living in a small village in rural China. The story is beautifully written and brings to life the rich culture and traditions of the village, as well as the challenges and hardships faced by its residents.
The author does an excellent job of intertwining traditional Chinese folklore and mythology with Mei's personal journey, creating a unique and mesmerizing narrative. The characters are well-developed and complex, each with their own struggles and desires that drive the plot forward.
One of the standout aspects of the novel is the vivid and evocative descriptions of the village and its surroundings. The author's prose is lyrical and poetic, painting a picture of a vibrant and mysterious world that is both beautiful and dangerous.
Overall, "幽夢影" is a moving and thought-provoking novel that will stay with readers long after they finish it. Chao Zhang's storytelling talent shines through in this captivating and unforgettable tale.
First Page:
幽夢影 清 張潮幽夢影序
余窮經讀史之餘,好覽稗官小說。自唐以來不下數百種,不但可以 備考遺忘,亦可以增長意識。如遊名山大川者,必探斷崖絕壑;玩喬松 古柏者,必采秀草幽花。使耳目一新,襟情怡宕。此非頭巾褦襶,章句 腐儒之所知也。 故余於詠詩撰文之暇,筆錄古軼事今新聞,自少至老 著數十種。 如《說史》、《說詩》、《賞鑑》、《盈鑑》、《東山談苑》、《汗青 餘語》、《硯林》、《不妄語述》、《茶史補》、《四蓮花齋 錄》、 《 翁漫錄》、《禪林漫錄》、《讀史浮白集》、《古今書字辨訛》、 《秋雪叢談》、《金陵野抄》之類,雖未雕板問世,而友人借抄幾遍東 南諸郡,執可傲子雲而睨君山矣。 天都張仲子心齋,家積縹緗,胸羅星宿,筆花繚繞,墨瀋淋漓。其 所著述,與余旗鼓相當,爭奇 富。如孫伯符與太史子義相遇余神亭, 又如石崇王愷擊碎珊瑚時也。其《幽夢影》一書,尤多格言妙論;言人 之所不能言,道人之所以未經道。展味低迴,似餐帝漿 瀣,聽鈞天廣 樂,不知此身之在下方塵世矣。至如「律己宜帶秋氣,處世宜帶春氣」 ;「婢可以當奴,奴不可當婢」;「無損于世,謂之善人;有害于世, 謂之惡人」;「尋樂靖乃學仙,避苦靖乃學佛」;超超元箸,絕勝支許 ,清淡人當鏤心銘腑,豈止配韋書紳而已哉。
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