"Sūnzi suàn Jīng" is a timeless Chinese mathematical text that dates back to the 3rd century BC, attributed to the legendary Chinese mathematician and astronomer, Sūnzi.
The book covers a wide range of mathematical topics including arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and principles of calculation. It provides valuable insight into the mathematical methods and techniques used by the ancient Chinese.
While some of the concepts may be difficult to grasp for modern readers, the book offers a fascinating look into the development of mathematics in ancient China. The explanations are clear and concise, making it accessible to readers of all levels of mathematical proficiency.
Overall, "Sūnzi suàn Jīng" is a valuable resource for those interested in the history of mathematics and Chinese culture. It sheds light on the mathematical knowledge and techniques that were used in ancient China, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the subject.
First Page:
《孫子算經》 《序》 序: 孫子曰:夫算者,天地之經緯,群生之元首;五常之本末,陰陽之父母; 星辰之建號,三光之表裹;五行之準平,四時之終始;萬物之祖宗,六藝之綱紀。 稽群倫之聚散,考二氣之降升;推寒暑之迭運,步遠近之殊同;觀天道精微之兆 基,察地理從橫之長短;采神祇之所在,極成敗之符驗;窮道德之理,究性命之 情。立規矩,準方圓,謹法度,約尺丈,立權衡,平重輕,剖毫釐,析黍絫;歷 億載而不朽,施八極而無疆。散之不可勝究,斂之不盈掌握。嚮之者富有餘,背 之者貧且窶;心開者幼沖而即悟,意閉者皓首而難精。夫欲學之者必務量能揆己, 志在所專。如是則焉有不成者哉。《卷上》 1 卷上: 度之所起,起於忽。欲知其忽,蠶所生,吐絲為忽。十忽為一秒,十秒 為一毫,十毫為一釐,十釐為一分,十分為一寸,十寸為一尺,十尺為一丈,十 丈為一引;五十尺為一端;四十尺為一疋;六尺為一步。二百四十步為一畝。三 百步為一里。
2 卷上: 稱之所起,起於黍。十黍為一絫,十絫為一銖,二十四銖為一兩,十六 兩為一斤,三十斤為一鉤,四鉤為一石。量之所起,起於粟。六粟為一圭,十圭 為一抄,十抄為一撮,十撮為一勺,十勺為一合,十合為一升,十升為一斗,十 斗為一斛。斛得六千萬粟。所以得知者,六粟為一圭,十圭六十粟為一抄,十抄 六百粟為一撮,十撮六千粟為一勺,十勺六萬粟為一合,十合六十萬粟為一升, 十升六百萬粟為一斗,十斗六千萬粟為一斛。十斛六億粟,百斛六兆粟,千斛六 京粟,萬斛六陔粟,十萬斛六秭粟,百萬斛六壤粟,千萬斛六溝粟,萬萬斛為一 億斛六澗粟,十億斛六正粟,百億斛六載粟。
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