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By: H. Irving Hancock (1868-1922)

Book cover The Motor Boat Club and The Wireless Or, the Dot, Dash and Dare Cruise
Book cover Dave Darrin's Third Year at Annapolis Leaders of the Second Class Midshipmen
Book cover The High School Boys' Training Hike
Book cover The High School Boys' Fishing Trip
Book cover Dick Prescotts's Fourth Year at West Point Ready to Drop the Gray for Shoulder Straps
Book cover Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz

By: Isabella L. Bird (1831-1904)

Book cover Unbeaten Tracks in Japan

Isabella Lucy Bird was a 19th century English traveller, writer, and natural historian. She was a sickly child, however, while she was travelling she was almost always healthy. Her first trip, in 1854, took her to America, visiting relatives. Her first book, The Englishwoman in America was published anonymously two years later. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan is compiled of the letters she sent to her sister during her 7 months sojourn in Japan in 1878. Her travels there took her from Edo (now called Tokyo) through the interior - where she was often the first foreigner the locals had met - to Niigata, and from there to Aomori...

Book cover Among the Tibetans

Isabella L. Bird was an English traveller, writer and natural historian. She was travelling in the Far East alone at a time when such endeavours were risky and dangerous even for men and large, better equipped parties. In "Among the Tibetans", Bird describes her tour through Tibet with her usual keen eye: From descriptions of the landscape and flora to the manners, customs and religion of the local people we get a fascinating account of a world long past.

Book cover The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
Book cover Notes on Old Edinburgh

By: Willard Grosvenor Bleyer

Book cover How To Write Special Feature Articles A Handbook for Reporters, Correspondents and Free-Lance Writers Who Desire to Contribute to Popular Magazines and Magazine Sections of Newspapers

By: Rupert Hughes (1872-1956)

Book cover Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country
Book cover The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 1
Book cover Colonel Crockett's Co-operative Christmas
Book cover We Can't Have Everything
Book cover Mrs. Budlong's Christmas Presents
Book cover The Cup of Fury A Novel of Cities and Shipyards
Book cover In a Little Town
Book cover The Dozen from Lakerim

By: Mathilde Blind (1841-1896)

Book cover George Eliot

By: John T. Schlebecker

Book cover Agricultural Implements and Machines in the Collection of the National Museum of History and Technology Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology, No. 17

By: Dion Clayton Calthrop (1878-1937)

English Costume by Dion Clayton Calthrop English Costume

The world, if we choose to see it so, is a complicated picture of people dressing and undressing. The history of the world is composed of the chat of a little band of tailors seated cross-legged on their boards; they gossip across the centuries, feeling, as they should, very busy and important. As you will see, I have devoted myself entirely to civil costume—that is, the clothes a man or a woman would wear from choice, and not by reason of an appointment to some ecclesiastical post, or to a military calling, or to the Bar, or the Bench. Such clothes are but symbols of their trades and professions, and have been dealt with by persons who specialize in those professions.

By: Charles Alexander Eastman (1858-1939)

Book cover Indian Child Life

The author was raised as an American Indian and describes what it was like to be an Indian boy (the first 7 chapters) and an Indian Girl (the last 7 chapters). This is very different from the slanted way the white man tried to picture them as 'savages' and 'brutes.'Quote: Dear Children:—You will like to know that the man who wrote these true stories is himself one of the people he describes so pleasantly and so lovingly for you. He hopes that when you have finished this book, the Indians will seem to you very real and very friendly...

By: Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (1723-1789)

Book cover Superstition In All Ages (1732) Common Sense
Book cover The System of Nature, Volume 1

By: Dion Clayton Calthrop (1878-1937)

Book cover The Pirate's Pocket Book

By: Charles Alexander Eastman (1858-1939)

Book cover Old Indian Days

By: Lewis Spence (1874-1955)

Book cover Legends & Romances of Brittany

By: Charles Alexander Eastman (1858-1939)

Book cover Wigwam Evenings Sioux Folk Tales Retold
Book cover Indian To-day

Based in part upon the author's own observations and personal knowledge, it was the aim of the book to set forth the status and outlook of the North American Indian. He addressed issues such as Indian schools, health, government policy and agencies, and citizenship in this book. In connection with his writings, Eastman was in steady demand as a lecturer and public speaker with the purpose of interpreting his race to the present age.

By: Lewis Spence (1874-1955)

Book cover The Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru
Book cover Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine

By: Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (1723-1789)

Book cover Letters to Eugenia or, a Preservative Against Religious Prejudices

By: William H. Davies (1871-1940)

Book cover Georgian Poetry 1920-22

By: William Henry Davies (1871-1940)

Book cover Foliage: Various Poems

W. H. Davies was a Welsh poet and writer. Davies spent a significant part of his life in the United Kingdom and United States, becoming one of the most popular poets of his time. Davies is usually considered one of the Georgian poets, although much of his work is atypical of the style and themes adopted by others of the genre.

By: Joseph Plumb Martin (1760-1850)

A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier

Joining the Continental Army as a teenager, Joseph Plumb Martin spent the next eight years fighting in the Revolutionary War as an enlisted man. His memoirs tell in detail his experiences during that time...the bitter cold, hunger, loss of life, long marches, and fear of battle. He also includes tales of fishing, hunting, and other activities...including encounters with a "saucy miss". His narrative reveals much about American life at the time and is one of the fullest and best accounts of the Revolutionary War, presented from a private's point of view.The book has been later republished under the names Private Yankee Doodle and Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier.

By: Dean Spruill Fansler (1885-)

Book cover Filipino Popular Tales

By: Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins (1859-1930)

Contending Forces by Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Contending Forces

Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, despite an impressive record of productivity and creativity as a novelist, playwright, short fiction writer, editor, actress, and singer, is an African-American woman writer who has essentially been consigned to the dustbins of American literary history. Though contemporary with Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Charles W. Chesnutt, and Paul Laurence Dunbar, Hopkins is only now beginning to receive the kind of critical attention that Harper has enjoyed for a slightly longer period and that Chesnutt and Dunbar have always had...

By: Sherwin Cody (1868-1959)

Book cover The Art Of Writing & Speaking The English Language Word-Study and Composition & Rhetoric

By: Vernon Lee (1856-1935)

Book cover The Beautiful An Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics
Book cover Renaissance Fancies and Studies Being a Sequel to Euphorion
Book cover Hortus Vitae Essays on the Gardening of Life
Book cover The Spirit of Rome
Book cover Laurus Nobilis Chapters on Art and Life
Book cover Vanitas Polite Stories (Lady Tal—A Worldly Woman—The Legend of Madame Krasinska)

By: Sherwin Cody (1868-1959)

Book cover Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor A Book for Young Americans

By: Vernon Lee (1856-1935)

Book cover The Countess of Albany
Book cover Belcaro Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions
Book cover Ariadne in Mantua A Romance in Five Acts
Book cover Euphorion Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance - Vol. I
Book cover Limbo and Other Essays To which is now added Ariadne in Mantua
Book cover Penelope Brandling A Tale of the Welsh coast in the Eighteenth Century

By: Jean-Henri Fabre (1823-1915)

Book cover Social Life in the Insect World
Book cover The Wonders of Instinct Chapters in the Psychology of Insects
Book cover Bramble-Bees and Others
Book cover The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
Book cover Mason-Bees

This is more than a book about bees and their lives; the author talks about his cats, red ants, and insect psychology in general. Jean Henri Fabre also made waves in his native 19th Century France by insisting that girls be included in his science classes, so I dedicate this recording to certain young women who risk their lives or even the less important attentions of boys simply to learn.

Book cover Life of the Fly, With Which are Interspersed Some Chapters of Autobiography

The title tells all, along with other observations on insect life from the famed accidental entomologist of 19th Century France..

Book cover More Hunting Wasps

By: Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931)

Book cover Crowd

"Civilisations as yet have only been created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy, never by crowds. Crowds are only powerful for destruction. Their rule is always tantamount to a barbarian phase. A civilisation involves fixed rules, discipline, a passing from the instinctive to the rational state, forethought for the future, an elevated degree of culture — all of them conditions that crowds, left to themselves, have invariably shown themselves incapable of realising. In consequence of the purely destructive nature of their power crowds act like those microbes which hasten the dissolution of enfeebled or dead bodies...

Book cover The Psychology of Revolution

By: Mary T. Waggaman (1846-1931)

Captain Ted by Mary T. Waggaman Captain Ted

When tragedy hits his family, in the form of a sudden illness to his father, young Teddy Thornton is forced to leave school and find work to help support his family. Without his realization he is thrown into a world of crime and counterfeiting. Will he do the right thing, or will he unwittingly be drawn down the wrong path? And will the mystery of Heron Hall be solved?

By: Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Book cover Freedom's Battle Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation

By: of the Resurrection Lawrence (1610?-1691)

Book cover The Practice of the Presence of God the Best Rule of a Holy Life

By: John Gay (1685-1732)

Book cover The Beggar's Opera
Book cover Fables of John Gay (Somewhat Altered)

By: Elinor Glyn (1864-1943)

Book cover Man and Maid
Book cover Red Hair

By: Marmaduke William Pickthall (1875-1936)

Book cover The Valley of the Kings

By: Elinor Glyn (1864-1943)

Book cover The Damsel and the Sage A Woman's Whimsies
Book cover High Noon A New Sequel to 'Three Weeks'
Book cover The Reason Why
Book cover Halcyone
Book cover Three Things
Book cover The Price of Things

By: Marmaduke William Pickthall (1875-1936)

Book cover Oriental Encounters Palestine and Syria, 1894-6

By: Elinor Glyn (1864-1943)

Book cover The Man and the Moment
Book cover Elizabeth Visits America
Book cover His Hour
Book cover The Point of View
Book cover The Reflections of Ambrosine A Novel

By: Edwin Arnold (1832-1904)

Book cover The Essence of Buddhism
Book cover The Light of Asia
Book cover Indian Poetry Containing "The Indian Song of Songs,"

By: Fanny Fern

Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern Ruth Hall

This is a COMPELLING semi-autobiography of a woman who experienced severe highs and lows! Starting many things at a very young age in life & experiencing incredible happiness! Only all too soon to find herself in extreme opposite situations. This book shows some of the true heartlessness that some human beings can display, as well as some family. It conveys hypocrisy of some in the religious world. It also displays true grit and what desperation can do to drive a person! This book will inevitably cause the reader to experience several emotions and thoughts, some pleasant, some not so nice. "Live" the journey along with the author! A MUST read! (Written by Deborah Knight)

By: H. Bolingbroke Mudie (1880-1916)

Book cover The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 1
Book cover The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 4
Book cover The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 3
Book cover The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 5
Book cover The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 9

By: Fanny Fern (1811-1872)

Book cover Little Ferns For Fanny's Little Friends

By: H. Bolingbroke Mudie (1880-1916)

Book cover The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 2

By: Lucy Madox Rossetti (1843-1894)

Mrs. Shelley by Lucy Madox Rossetti Mrs. Shelley

I have to thank all the previous students of Shelley as poet and man--not last nor least among whom is my husband--for their loving and truthful research on all the subjects surrounding the life of Mrs.Shelley. -Lucy Madox Brown Rossetti Mrs. Shelley is a biography of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley, author of Frankenstein and other works, wife of Percy Shelley, daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin who penned The Vindication of the Rights of Women, and daughter of William Godwin, a philosopher and novelist...

By: Maria Parloa (1843-1909)

Book cover Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes

A selection of chocolate recipes which were produced for Walter Baker & Co, the oldest producer of chocolate in the United States. Advertisements used by Walter Baker & Co can be found in Section 7. They are read by: Cori Samuel, Peter Why, David Lawrence, BookAngel7, ashleighjane and Joanne Rochon.

By: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

Book cover What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government

What Is Property?: or, An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government (French: Qu'est-ce que la propriété ? ou Recherche sur le principe du Droit et du Gouvernment) is an influential work of nonfiction on the concept of property and its relation to anarchist philosophy by the French anarchist and mutualist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, first published in 1840. In the book, Proudhon most famously declared that “property is theft”. Proudhon believed that the common conception of property conflated two distinct components which, once identified, demonstrated the difference between property used to further tyranny and property used to protect liberty...

By: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

Book cover System of Economical Contradictions; or, the Philosophy of Misery

By: Maria Parloa (1843-1909)

Book cover Miss Parloa's New Cook Book

By: F. M. Mayor (1872-1932)

The Third Miss Symons by F. M. Mayor The Third Miss Symons

Miss Mayor tells this story with singular skill, more by contrast than by drama, bringing her chief character into relief against her world, as it passes in swift procession. Her tale is in a form becoming common among our best writers; it is compressed into a space about a third as long as the ordinary novel, yet form and manner are so closely suited that all is told and nothing seems slightly done, or worked with too rapid a hand.

By: Gertrude Burford Rawlings

Book cover The Story of Books

Rawlings follows the development of printing from the origins of writing to modern printing. Some of the earliest records are ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman recordings on papyrus and wax tablets. However, Rawlings acknowledges the sparse nature of this first fragile evidence, and limits speculation.Later, libraries of religious books grew in Europe, where monks copied individual books in monasteries. The "block printing" technique began with illustrations carved in wood blocks, while the text needed to be written by hand...

By: Francis Hopkinson Smith (1838-1915)

Book cover Outdoor Sketching Four Talks Given before the Art Institute of Chicago; The Scammon Lectures, 1914

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