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By: John Adams (1735-1826)

Book cover State of the Union Address

By: Margot Asquith (1864-1945)

Book cover My Impressions of America

By: Charles W. (Charles William) Colby (1867-1955)

Book cover The Founder of New France A Chronicle of Champlain

By: Quincy Allen

Book cover The Outdoor Chums After Big Game Or, Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness

By: Ethel Hueston (1887-)

Book cover Prudence Says So

By: Clayton Meeker Hamilton (1881-1946)

Book cover A Manual of the Art of Fiction

By: Lily Dougall (1858-1923)

Book cover Mermaid

"'What a fool I was not to go where she beckoned!' mused Caius. 'Where? Anywhere into the heart of the ocean, out of this dull, sordid life into the land of dreams.' For it must all have been a dream—a sweet, fantastic dream, imposed upon his senses by some influence, outward or inward; but it seemed to him that at the hour when he seemed to see the maid it might have been given him to enter the world of dreams, and go on in some existence which was a truer reality than the one in which he now was...

Book cover Dozen Ways of Love

This is a collection of (each in their own way) romantic short stories by Lily Dougall.

By: Ethel Hueston (1887-)

Book cover Prudence of the Parsonage

By: William Murray Graydon (1864-1946)

Book cover The River of Darkness, or, Under Africa

By: Richard Wilson (1920-1987)

Back to Julie by Richard Wilson Back to Julie

By: Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733?)

Book cover An Enquiry into an Origin of Honour; and the Usefulness of Christianity in War

By: Margaret M. (Margaret Murray) Robertson (1821-1897)

Book cover David Fleming's Forgiveness

By: Ernest Scott (1867-1939)

Book cover Laperouse

By: Margaret M. (Margaret Murray) Robertson (1821-1897)

Book cover Allison Bain, or, By a Way she knew not

By: William Murray Graydon (1864-1946)

Book cover Canoe Boys and Campfires Adventures on Winding Waters

By: Ethel Hueston (1887-)

Book cover Eve to the Rescue

By: Richard Wilson (1920-1987)

Book cover The Inhabited

By: Lily Dougall (1858-1923)

Book cover The Mormon Prophet

By: Ethel Hueston (1887-)

Book cover Sunny Slopes

By: Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733?)

Book cover A Letter to Dion

By: Charles W. (Charles William) Colby (1867-1955)

Book cover The Fighting Governor A Chronicle of Frontenac

By: Clayton Meeker Hamilton (1881-1946)

Book cover Materials and Methods of Fiction With an Introduction by Brander Matthews

By: Margaret M. (Margaret Murray) Robertson (1821-1897)

Book cover Janet's Love and Service

By: William Murray Graydon (1864-1946)

Book cover In Friendship's Guise

By: Ernest Scott (1867-1939)

Book cover Terre Napoleón; a History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia

By: Quincy Allen

Book cover The Outdoor Chums on the Lake Lively Adventures on Wildcat Island
Book cover The Outdoor Chums at Cabin Point or The Golden Cup Mystery

By: William Murray Graydon (1864-1946)

Book cover The Camp in the Snow, or, Besieged by Danger

By: Quincy Allen

Book cover The Outdoor Chums The First Tour of the Rod, Gun and Camera Club

By: Lily Dougall (1858-1923)

Book cover Zeit-Geist

"When travelling in Canada, in the region north of Lake Ontario, I came upon traces of the somewhat remarkable life which is the subject of the following sketch. Having applied to the school-master in the town where Bartholomew Toyner lived, I received an account the graphic detail and imaginative insight of which attest the writer's personal affection. This account, with only such condensation as is necessary, I now give to the world. I do not believe that it belongs to the novel to teach theology;...

By: Margaret M. (Margaret Murray) Robertson (1821-1897)

Book cover Christie Redfern's Troubles

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