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By: Civiale Remedial Agency

Book cover Manhood Perfectly Restored Prof. Jean Civiale's Soluble Urethral Crayons as a Quick, Painless, and Certain Cure for Impotence, Etc.

By: Thomas Otway (1652-1685)

Book cover Venice Preserved A Tragedy in Five Acts

By: Samuel McChord Crothers (1857-1927)

Book cover By the Christmas Fire

By: J. D. (Joseph Dalton) Hooker (1817-1911)

Book cover Himalayan Journals

By: John P. Jones (1847-1916)

Book cover India's Problem, Krishna or Christ
Book cover India, Its Life and Thought

By: Robert Grant (1852-1940)

Book cover The King's Men A Tale of To-morrow

By: Charles Paul de Kock (1794-1871)

The Barber of Paris by Charles Paul de Kock The Barber of Paris

By: Gifford Pinchot (1865-1946)

Book cover The Fight for Conservation

By: Samuel McChord Crothers (1857-1927)

Miss Muffet's Christmas Party by Samuel McChord Crothers Miss Muffet's Christmas Party

By: Thomas Otway (1652-1685)

Book cover Venice Preserved A Tragedy
Book cover The Orphan or, The Unhappy Marriage

By: Samuel McChord Crothers (1857-1927)

Book cover Humanly Speaking

By: Charles Paul de Kock (1794-1871)

Book cover Monsieur Cherami

By: Robert Grant (1852-1940)

Book cover A Romantic Young Lady
Book cover The Law-Breakers and Other Stories
Book cover The Opinions of a Philosopher

By: Mrs. Inchbald (1753-1821)

Book cover The Widow's Vow A Farce, in Two Acts

By: W. S. Gilbert (d 1911)

Book cover More Bab Ballads

This is a subset of the first twelve poems from the second collection of Gilbert’s “Bab Ballads” – light verses poking fun at the life and people of his time in Gilbert’s unique “topsy-turvey” style. The epitaph on his memorial on the Victoria Embankment in London is “HIS FOE WAS FOLLY AND HIS WEAPON WIT”, an epitaph amply exemplified in these verses.

By: Jane Ellen Harrison (1850-1928)

Book cover Ancient Art and Ritual

By: Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762)

Book cover Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M—y W—y M—e Written during Her Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa to Persons of Distinction, Men of Letters, &c. in Different Parts of Europe

By: Charles Holroyd (1861-1917)

Book cover Michael Angelo Buonarroti

By: New York evening journal

Book cover What's in the New York Evening Journal America's Greatest Evening Newspaper

By: Rupert H. Wheldon (1883-)

Book cover No Animal Food and Nutrition and Diet with Vegetable Recipes

Though little is known about its author, this is considered the first vegan cookbook ever written. At the time of its composition, the Vegetarian Society and other advocates of vegetarian diets were engaged in a debate about the inclusion of dairy and eggs in one's regime. This text declares, from the title to the footnotes, that the best diet is free from all animal products. The arguments span historical, physical, ethical, aesthetic, and economic considerations and conclude with practical advice that stands the test of time. An essential text for those interested in vegetarianism and animal rights.

By: Geoffroi de Villehardouin (1150-1213)

Book cover Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade and the Conquest of Constantinople

By: Anna McClure Sholl

Book cover The Faery Tales of Weir

By: Henry W. Hewet

Book cover Cinderella

By: Michael Husted

Book cover The Fibonacci Number Series

By: New York Public Library

Book cover Handbook of The New York Public Library

By: Joe Archibald (1898-1989)

Book cover Operation Earthworm

By: James R. Hall

Book cover Am I Still There?

By: Sutherland Menzies (fl. 1840-1883)

Book cover The Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed. Including Some Notices of the Ancient Historical Tapestries

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