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By: Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891)

Book cover Some Objections To Socialism From "The Atheistic Platform", Twelve Lectures

By: Alice Turner Curtis

Book cover A Little Maid of Ticonderoga

By: Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891)

Book cover The Impeachment of The House of Brunswick

By: Lee Archer

Book cover Lease to Doomsday

By: James Bryce Bryce (1838-1922)

Book cover Impressions of South Africa

By: Kate Sanborn (1839-1917)

Book cover Adopting an Abandoned Farm

By: Rose Macaulay (1881-1958)

Book cover The Lee Shore
Book cover Dangerous Ages
The Furnace by Rose Macaulay The Furnace

By: Kate Sanborn (1839-1917)

Book cover Memories and Anecdotes

By: Rose Macaulay (1881-1958)

What Not A Prophetic Comedy by Rose Macaulay What Not A Prophetic Comedy

By: Kate Sanborn (1839-1917)

Book cover A Truthful Woman in Southern California

By: James Bryce Bryce (1838-1922)

Book cover William Ewart Gladstone

By: Rose Macaulay (1881-1958)

Book cover Potterism A Tragi-Farcical Tract

By: James Bryce Bryce (1838-1922)

Book cover Studies in Contemporary Biography

By: Annie Roe Carr

Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp by Annie Roe Carr Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp

A school girl story about two Illinois teens and the adventures they have with family,friends and the chance to go to a boarding school in Michigan in the early 1920's.

By: First Unitarian Society of San Francisco. Society for Christian Work

Book cover The Cookery Blue Book

By: Reuel Howe (1905-1985)

Book cover Herein is Love

Prescient look at the church, its message and role in society, both perceived and true, focused through the lens of the biblical doctrine of love, and demonstrated in relationships between parent and child, parishioners and public, and pastor and people.

By: Mary Lois Kissell

Book cover Aboriginal American Weaving

By: Eulalie Osgood Grover (1873-)

Book cover Mother Goose The Original Volland Edition

By: George A. Warren

Book cover The Banner Boy Scouts Afloat or, the Secret of Cedar Island

By: Edgar B. P. Darlington

Book cover The Circus Boys on the Plains : or, the Young Advance Agents Ahead of the Show

By: Louise Lamprey (1869-1951)

Book cover Days of the Discoverers

By: Nellie McClung (1873-1951)

Book cover In Times Like These

" Believing that the woman's claim to a common humanity is not an unreasonable one, and that the successful issue of such claim rests primarily upon the sense of fair play which people have or have not according to how they were born, and Therefore to men and women everywhere who love a fair deal, and are willing to give it to everyone, even women, this book is respectfully dedicated by the author."

By: Louise Lamprey (1869-1951)

In the Days of the Guild by Louise Lamprey In the Days of the Guild

By: Nellie L. McClung (1873-1951)

Book cover The Next of Kin Those who Wait and Wonder

By: George A. Warren

Book cover The Banner Boy Scouts Or, The Struggle for Leadership

By: Annie Roe Carr

Book cover Nan Sherwood at Palm Beach Or Strange Adventures Among The Orange Groves

By: Louise Lamprey (1869-1951)

The Childhood of Rome by Louise Lamprey The Childhood of Rome

By: George A. Warren

Book cover The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour, or, The Mystery of Rattlesnake Mountain

By: Annie Roe Carr

Book cover Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays Rescuing the Runaways

By: Edgar B. P. Darlington

Book cover The Circus Boys on the Flying Rings : or, Making the Start in the Sawdust Life

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