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By: E. N. [Editor] Elliott

Book cover Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject

By: David Prescott Barrows (1873-1954)

Book cover The Negrito and Allied Types in the Philippines and The Ilongot or Ibilao of Luzon

By: George C. V. Holmes

Book cover Ancient and Modern Ships. Part 1. Wooden Sailing Ships

By: Oskar Augustus Johanssen

Book cover Handbook of Medical Entomology

By: King of Babylonia Hammurabi (-1750? BC)

Book cover The Oldest Code of Laws in the World The code of laws promulgated by Hammurabi, King of Babylon B.C. 2285-2242

By: Charles B. Michener (1838-)

Book cover Special Report on Diseases of the Horse

By: Theodor Storm (1817-1888)

Book cover Rider on the White Horse

Hauke Haien, a young man of 24 years, has just beome dikemaster in Northern Frisia. Against the resistance of many of the townfolk, he has a new dike built, not according to the old customs, but to his own specifications. For years, everything goes well, but when the big storm hits the land, a small oversight will cost him dearly. Storm tells the life of Hauke Haien from his beginnings as the clever son of a small landowner to his rise as dikemaster, where Hauke has to weather many storms - both literally and figuratively speaking. The story inside a story inside a story is considered Theodor Storm's masterpiece.

By: Harry Hamilton Johnston (1858-1927)

Book cover Pioneers in Canada

By: H. J. L. J. Massé (1860-)

Book cover Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire

By: John William Draper (1811-1882)

Book cover History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science

By: Marjorie Benton Cooke (1876-1920)

Book cover Bambi

By: H. J. L. J. Massé (1860-)

Book cover Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See

By: John William Draper (1811-1882)

History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume I by John William Draper History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume I

By: Marjorie Benton Cooke (1876-1920)

Book cover Cinderella Jane

By: Herbert Strang

Palm Tree Island by Herbert Strang Palm Tree Island

By: Harry Hamilton Johnston (1858-1927)

Book cover Mrs. Warren's Daughter A Story of the Woman's Movement

By: Herbert Strang

Book cover In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India

By: Artemus Ward (1834-1867)

Book cover The Complete Works of Artemus Ward — Part 1: Essays, Sketches, and Letters

By: Herbert Strang

Book cover Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
Barclay of the Guides by Herbert Strang Barclay of the Guides

By: Marjorie Benton Cooke (1876-1920)

Book cover The Cricket

By: Herbert Strang

Book cover Round the World in Seven Days
King of the Air Or, To Morocco on an Aeroplane by Herbert Strang King of the Air Or, To Morocco on an Aeroplane

By: Marjorie Benton Cooke (1876-1920)

Book cover The Dual Alliance

By: Herbert Strang

Book cover With Marlborough to Malplaquet A Story of the Reign of Queen Anne

By: Alexandre Corréard (1788-1857)

Book cover Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816 Undertaken by Order of the French Government

By: C. C. (Charlotte Carmichael) Stopes (1841-1929)

Book cover Shakespeare's Family

By: Arthur Weigall (1880-1934)

Book cover The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology

By: Hudson Stuck (1863-1920)

Book cover Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled A Narrative of Winter Travel in Interior Alaska

By: Ernest Weekley (1865-1954)

Book cover The Romance of Names

By: John Bach McMaster (1852-1932)

Book cover A School History of the United States

By: George Worley

Book cover Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less

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