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By: Antonio Fogazzaro (1842-1911)

Book cover The Patriot Piccolo Mondo Antico

By: Anne Warner (1869-1913)

Book cover Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop
Seeing France with Uncle John by Anne Warner Seeing France with Uncle John

By: Mary Hunter Austin (1868-1934)

Book cover The Arrow-Maker A Drama in Three Acts

By: Dillon Wallace (1863-1939)

Book cover Troop One of the Labrador
Book cover Ungava Bob A Winter's Tale

By: Anne Warner (1869-1913)

Book cover Susan Clegg and Her Neighbors' Affairs

By: Dillon Wallace (1863-1939)

Book cover Left on the Labrador A Tale of Adventure Down North

By: Anne Warner (1869-1913)

Book cover Susan Clegg and a Man in the House

By: Dillon Wallace (1863-1939)

Book cover Bobby of the Labrador

By: Mrs. O. F. Walton (1849-1939)

A Peep Behind the Scenes by Mrs. O. F. Walton A Peep Behind the Scenes

Rosalie is the daughter of a traveling theater master and is envied by many young girls as she appears to live a life full of glamour, glitz, and glory. But beneath the happy smiling face is a hurting heart, a deep sorrow for her dying mother, and a wretched life. Follow Rosalie as she learns of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for her, and begins to trust Him for daily strength.

By: Charles E. Davis

Book cover The Excavations of Roman Baths at Bath

By: Elmer Harry Kreps

Book cover Science of Trapping Describes the Fur Bearing Animals, Their Nature, Habits And Distribution, With Practical Methods For Their Capture

By: Alexander K. (Alexander Kelly) McClure (1828-1909)

Book cover Lincoln's Yarns and Stories: a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller

By: Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (1853-1922)

Book cover My Days of Adventure The Fall of France, 1870-71

By: Henry Herbert Knibbs (1874-1945)

Book cover The Ridin' Kid from Powder River

By: George John Romanes (1848-1894)

Book cover Mind and Motion and Monism
Book cover Darwin, and After Darwin An Exposition of the Darwinian

By: Montague Glass (1877-1934)

Book cover Worrying Won't Win

By: John F. Runciman (1866-1916)

Book cover Old Scores and New Readings Discussions on Music & Certain Musicians
Book cover Richard Wagner Composer of Operas
Book cover Purcell

By: Henry Herbert Knibbs (1874-1945)

Book cover Sundown Slim

By: Mrs. O. F. Walton (1849-1939)

Book cover Saved at Sea

Alick was born in a lighthouse during a storm, and raised in the same lighthouse. He used to wish something would change, and one day something did. In an attempt to rescue a ship in distress, Alick and his grandfather end up with a baby girl. Who are her parents? Did they perish on that stormy night? As the lighthouse people try to find the answers to these questions, little "Timpey" begins to work her way into their hearts. And while the lighthouse stands firmly on the rock, are Alick and his grandfather truly anchored on the Rock?

Book cover Christie's Old Organ

Christie is all alone in the world after his mother dies. He lives in a boarding house and every night creeps up the attic stairs to hear an old barrel organ play. One night while he is listening, the organ stops and Christie hears a thump. What has happened? What should Christie do?

By: O. F. Walton (1849-1939)

Book cover The King's Cup-Bearer

By: Henry Herbert Knibbs (1874-1945)

Book cover Overland Red A Romance of the Moonstone CaƱon Trail

By: Montague Glass (1877-1934)

Book cover Potash and Perlmutter Settle Things
Book cover Abe and Mawruss Being Further Adventures of Potash and Perlmutter

By: George John Romanes (1848-1894)

Book cover The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution

By: O. F. Walton (1849-1939)

Book cover Christie, the King's Servant

By: Henry Herbert Knibbs (1874-1945)

Book cover Jim Waring of Sonora-Town Tang of Life

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