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By: Russell H. Conwell

Every Man His Own University by Russell H. Conwell Every Man His Own University

By: Mary H. Northend

Book cover Garden Ornaments

By: Russell H. Conwell

Health, Healing, and Faith by Russell H. Conwell Health, Healing, and Faith
Praying for Money by Russell H. Conwell Praying for Money
Increasing Personal Efficiency by Russell H. Conwell Increasing Personal Efficiency

By: David Christie Murray (1847-1907)

Book cover Despair's Last Journey
Book cover My Contemporaries In Fiction

By: Russell H. Conwell

Subconscious Religion by Russell H. Conwell Subconscious Religion

By: David Christie Murray (1847-1907)

Book cover Recollections With Photogravure Portrait of the Author
Book cover The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography

By: Ralph Barton Perry (1876-1957)

Book cover The Moral Economy

By: David Christie Murray (1847-1907)

Book cover Julia And Her Romeo: A Chronicle Of Castle Barfield From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover Aunt Rachel A Rustic Sentimental Comedy
Book cover VC — A Chronicle of Castle Barfield and of the Crimea

By: Russell H. Conwell

Getting at the Inner Man/Fifty Years on the Lecture Platform by Russell H. Conwell Getting at the Inner Man/Fifty Years on the Lecture Platform

By: David Christie Murray (1847-1907)

Book cover In Direst Peril
Book cover Schwartz: A History From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover Bulldog And Butterfly From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover An Old Meerschaum From Coals Of Fire And Other Stories, Volume II. (of III.)
Book cover Young Mr. Barter's Repentance From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover Cruel Barbara Allen From Coals Of Fire And Other Stories, Volume II. (of III.)
Book cover The Romance Of Giovanni Calvotti From Coals Of Fire And Other Stories, Volume II. (of III.)

By: Jacob Mortimer Wier Silver

Book cover Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs

By: Frances Anne Kemble (1809-1893)

Book cover Journal of A Residence On A Georgian Plantation, 1838-1839

Fanny Kemble was a British actress who married mega-plantation owner, Pierce Butler of Georgia. During her marriage she kept journals of everyday life, and after some years grew to detest the institution of slavery and the things Butler stood for. Kemble eventually divorced him, but it wasn't until after the Civil War had started that she published her journal about her observations and the experiences of the hundreds of African American slaves owned by her ex-husband.

By: American Anti-Slavery Society

Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
Book cover The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 18

By: Fanny Kemble (1809-1893)

Book cover Records of a Girlhood

By: American Anti-Slavery Society

Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 2 of 4

By: Fanny Kemble (1809-1893)

Book cover Records of Later Life

By: Henry Wood (1814-1887)

Book cover Verner's Pride
Book cover Elster's Folly A Novel

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