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By: Roger Thompson Finlay (1860-)

Book cover The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island
Book cover The Wonder Island Boys: Conquest of the Savages
Book cover The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Islands
Book cover The Wonder Island Boys: The Mysteries of the Caverns

By: Jessie Laidlay Weston (1850-1928)

Book cover The Romance of Morien

By: Rowland George Allanson Allanson-Winn Headley (1855-1935)

Book cover Broad-Sword and Single-Stick With Chapters on Quarter-Staff, Bayonet, Cudgel, Shillalah, Walking-Stick, Umbrella and Other Weapons of Self-Defence

By: Wallace Notestein

Book cover A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718

By: Madame (Jeanne-Marie) Leprince de Beaumont (1711-1780)

Book cover Beauty and the Beast for Children

By: Harry Bates (1900-1981)

Book cover Under Arctic Ice

By: John Willis Clark (1833-1910)

Book cover The Care of Books

By: Qian Tao (372?-427)

Book cover Peach Blossom Shangri-la: Tao Hua Yuan Ji

By: John Willis Clark (1833-1910)

Book cover Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods The Rede Lecture Delivered June 13, 1894

By: Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (1888-1935)

Book cover Antinous: A Poem

By: Ernest Renan (1823-1892)

Book cover The Life of Jesus

By: Harry Bates (1900-1981)

Book cover Seed of the Arctic Ice

By: Madame (Jeanne-Marie) Leprince de Beaumont (1711-1780)

Book cover Think Before You Speak or, The Three Wishes

By: Ernest Renan (1823-1892)

Book cover Recollections of My Youth

By: Louis Paul Bénézet (1878-1961)

Book cover The World War and What was Behind It Or, the Story of the Map of Europe

By: Charlotte B. Herr (1875-1963)

Book cover How Freckle Frog Made Herself Pretty

By: Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918)

Book cover Fiat Money Inflation in France
Book cover History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom

By: Charlotte B. Herr (1875-1963)

Book cover The Wise Mamma Goose
Book cover Their Mariposa Legend; a romance of Santa Catalina

By: Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918)

Book cover Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White — Volume 2
Book cover Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White — Volume 1

By: Walter Ben Hare (1880-1950)

The White Christmas and other Merry Christmas Plays by Walter Ben Hare The White Christmas and other Merry Christmas Plays

By: C. Reginald (Charles Reginald) Enock (1868-1970)

Book cover Mexico Its Ancient and Modern Civilisation, History, Political Conditions, Topography, Natural Resources, Industries and General Development

By: John George Bourinot (1837-1902)

Book cover Canada

By: George Allan England (1877-1936)

Book cover The Air Trust
Book cover Darkness and Dawn

By: George Bird Grinnell (1849-1938)

Book cover Blackfoot Lodge Tales The Story of a Prairie People

By: John George Bourinot (1837-1902)

Book cover The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People

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