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By: Edward M. Hull (1880-1947)

Book cover Sheik

The novel on which the famous silent movie starring Rudolf Valentino was based. The plot is set in motion as Lady Conway disapproves of Diana's planning a desert trip with just her Arab guides to accompany her. Diana gets kidnapped by the Sheik, Ahmed Ben Hassan. Finally allowed to ride in the desert alone, she plans an escape. However, the Sheik recaptures her. And so the story unfolds.

Book cover The Shadow of the East

By: Jules Claretie (1840-1913)

Book cover Prince Zilah
Book cover His Excellency the Minister
Book cover The Crime of the Boulevard

By: Douglas Cockerell

Book cover Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians

By: Donald Wandrei (1908-1987)

Book cover Raiders of the Universes

It was the 34th century and all five of the Federation of Planets around Sol were buzzing with their usual activity when the Raiders appeared. They were indeed Raiders of Universes because they had ravaged many systems before reaching Earth and showed no signs of slowing down in the least. Their weapons were invincible, their greed merciless and their natures completely alien. Indeed 'they' were from another dimension entirely. Eating up entire solar systems and planets, they slowed down just a bit when intelligent life was found on Earth...

By: Alice Duer Miller (1874-1942)

Come Out of the Kitchen! A Romance by Alice Duer Miller Come Out of the Kitchen! A Romance
Book cover Ladies Must Live
Book cover The Beauty and the Bolshevist

By: E. Werner (1838-1918)

Book cover Vineta The Phantom City
Book cover Success and How He Won It
Book cover Saint Michael A Romance
Book cover Under a Charm, A Novel, Vol. I
Book cover The Northern Light
Book cover No Surrender
Book cover Herman A Novel
Book cover The Alpine Fay A Romance
Book cover Riven Bonds. Vol. I. A Novel, in Two Volumes

By: Alice Duer Miller (1874-1942)

Book cover Manslaughter

By: E. Werner (1838-1918)

Book cover Partners A Novel.
Book cover The Sign of Flame
Book cover Clear the Track A Story of To-day
Book cover Under a Charm, A Novel, Vol. II
Book cover A Hero of the Pen

By: Alice Duer Miller (1874-1942)

Book cover The Happiest Time of Their Lives

By: E. Werner (1838-1918)

Book cover Danira
Book cover Under a Charm, A Novel, Vol. III
Book cover Riven Bonds. Vol. II. A Novel, in Two Volumes

By: W. M.

Book cover The Compleat Cook Expertly Prescribing the Most Ready Wayes, Whether Italian, Spanish or French, for Dressing of Flesh and Fish, Ordering Of Sauces or Making of Pastry

By: George Hamlin Fitch (1852-1925)

Book cover Modern English Books of Power

By: W. M.

Book cover A Queens Delight The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying

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