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By: Percy F. Westerman (1876-1959)

The Dispatch-Riders The Adventures of Two British Motor-cyclists in the Great War by Percy F. Westerman The Dispatch-Riders The Adventures of Two British Motor-cyclists in the Great War

By: Oliver [pseud.] Onions (1873-1961)

Book cover The Tower of Oblivion

By: Percy F. Westerman (1876-1959)

Rounding up the Raider A Naval Story of the Great War by Percy F. Westerman Rounding up the Raider A Naval Story of the Great War
The Winning of the Golden Spurs by Percy F. Westerman The Winning of the Golden Spurs
Billy Barcroft, R.N.A.S. A story of the Great War by Percy F. Westerman Billy Barcroft, R.N.A.S. A story of the Great War
Book cover Wilmshurst of the Frontier Force

By: Gustav Freytag (1816-1895)

Book cover Pictures of German Life in the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries, Vol. I.
Book cover Debit and Credit Translated from the German of Gustav Freytag

By: Ralph Henry Barbour (1870-1944)

Book cover Behind the line A story of college life and football

By: Oliver [pseud.] Onions (1873-1961)

The Debit Account by Oliver [pseud.] Onions The Debit Account

By: Ralph Henry Barbour (1870-1944)

Book cover The Lilac Girl
Book cover Four Afloat Being the Adventures of the Big Four on the Water

By: Gustav Freytag (1816-1895)

Book cover The Lost Manuscript A Novel

By: Ralph Henry Barbour (1870-1944)

Book cover The Half-Back
Book cover The Turner Twins
Book cover The Crimson Sweater
Book cover The New Boy at Hilltop
Book cover Left End Edwards
Book cover Left Tackle Thayer
Book cover Left Guard Gilbert

By: Francis Archibald Bruton

The Story of Peterloo by Francis Archibald Bruton The Story of Peterloo

On 16th August 1819 around 60,000 people gathered at St. Peter’s Fields, Manchester, to rally for parliamentary reform. Shortly after the meeting began, a troop of Hussars and local yeomanry rode into the crowd, wielding clubs, swords and sabres, leaving 18 dead and more than 700 severely injured. In the following years, the Peterloo Massacre was the subject of several trials and inquiries. It now counts as one of the most significant events in the history of the British labour movement. Francis Archibald Bruton’s account of the day’s events, published for its centenary and based on a detailed examination of contemporary accounts, is both dispassionate and moving...

By: B. A. Hathaway

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By: Stephen Langdon (1876-1937)

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Book cover Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms

By: Parker Fillmore (1878-1944)

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The Shoemaker's Apron A Second Book of Czechoslovak Fairy Tales and Folk Tales by Parker Fillmore The Shoemaker's Apron A Second Book of Czechoslovak Fairy Tales and Folk Tales
Book cover Czechoslovak Fairy Tales

By: Edgar Saltus (1855-1921)

Book cover The Perfume of Eros: A Fifth Avenue Incident
Book cover Oscar Wilde An Idler's Impression
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Book cover Mary Magdalen

By: Parker Fillmore (1878-1944)

The Rosie World by Parker Fillmore The Rosie World

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