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By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Fairy Book

By: Coningsby Dawson (1883-1959)

Book cover Murder Point A Tale of Keewatin

By: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1793-1864)

Book cover Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Dotty Dimple at Her Grandmother's
Book cover Prudy Keeping House

By: Helen Campbell (1839-1918)

Book cover Women Wage-Earners Their Past, Their Present, and Their Future

By: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1793-1864)

Book cover Algic Researches, Comprising Inquiries Respecting the Mental Characteristics of the North American Indians, Vol. 1 of 2 Indian Tales and Legends

By: Coningsby Dawson (1883-1959)

Book cover The Kingdom Round the Corner A Novel

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Aunt Madge's Story
Book cover Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple
Book cover The Twin Cousins

By: Helen Campbell (1839-1918)

Book cover Prisoners of Poverty Women Wage-Workers, Their Trades and Their Lives

By: Coningsby Dawson (1883-1959)

Book cover Carry On Letters in War-Time

By: Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

Book cover Views a-foot

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Dotty Dimple Out West

By: Coningsby Dawson (1883-1959)

Book cover Out To Win The Story of America in France

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Dotty Dimple At Home

By: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1793-1864)

Book cover An Address, Delivered Before the Was-ah Ho-de-no-son-ne or New Confederacy of the Iroquois Also, Genundewah, a Poem

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Dotty Dimple's Flyaway

By: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1793-1864)

Book cover Incentives to the Study of the Ancient Period of American History An address, delivered before the New York Historical Society, at its forty-second anniversary, 17th November 1846

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Dotty Dimple at Play

By: Helen Campbell (1839-1918)

Book cover Prisoners of Poverty Abroad

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Captain Horace

By: Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

Book cover The Story of Kennett

By: Sophie May (1833-1906)

Book cover Little Grandmother
Book cover Little Grandfather
Book cover Little Folks Astray
Book cover Jimmy, Lucy, and All

By: Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

Book cover Who Was She? From "The Atlantic Monthly" for September, 1874
Book cover Northern Travel Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland

By: Hubert C. (Hubert Christian) Corlette

Book cover Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Chichester (1901) A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The Diocese And See

By: John O'Mahony (1816-1877)

Book cover The Sunny Side of Ireland How to see it by the Great Southern and Western Railway

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