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By: John Mead Gould (1839-1930)

Book cover Joseph K. F. Mansfield, Brigadier General of the U.S. Army A Narrative of Events Connected with His Mortal Wounding at Antietam, Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862

By: J. Walker (Joseph Walker) McSpadden (1874-1960)

Book cover Introduction to the Dramas of Balzac

By: Joseph Wright (1855-1930)

Book cover A Middle High German Primer Third Edition

By: John Foreman

Book cover The Philippine Islands A Political, Geographical, Ethnographical, Social and Commercial History of the Philippine Archipelago, Embracing the Whole Period of Spanish Rule

By: William Cleaver Wilkinson (1833-1920)

Book cover Classic French Course in English

By: George Harvey Ralphson (1879-1940)

Book cover The Boy Scout Camera Club, or, the Confession of a Photograph
Book cover Boy Scouts in the Philippines Or, The Key to the Treaty Box
Book cover Boy Scouts on Hudson Bay Or, The Disappearing Fleet
Book cover Boy Scouts on Motorcycles Or, With the Flying Squadron
Book cover Boy Scouts in a Submarine : or, Searching an Ocean Floor
Book cover Boy Scouts in Southern Waters Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest
Book cover Boy Scouts Mysterious Signal or Perils of the Black Bear Patrol
Book cover Boy Scouts in Mexico; or on Guard with Uncle Sam
Book cover Boy Scouts in the Northwest Fighting Forest Fires
Book cover Boy Scouts in the Canal Zone The Plot Against Uncle Sam

By: Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823)

Book cover The Bird and Insects' Post Office

By: George Harvey Ralphson (1879-1940)

Book cover Boy Scouts in an Airship; or, the Warning from the Sky

By: Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823)

Book cover The Farmer's Boy A Rural Poem

By: George Harvey Ralphson (1879-1940)

Book cover Boy Scouts in the North Sea The Mystery of a Sub

By: William Cleaver Wilkinson (1833-1920)

French Classics by William Cleaver Wilkinson French Classics

By: Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823)

Book cover The Banks of Wye
Book cover Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs
Book cover May Day with the Muses

By: Adam L. (Adam Luke) [Editor] Gowans

Book cover The Hundred Best English Poems

By: Samuel L. Bensusan (1872-1958)

Book cover William Shakespeare His Homes and Haunts

By: Bernard Berenson (1865-1959)

Book cover The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance Third Edition

By: Charles W. Whistler (1856-1913)

Book cover King Alfred's Viking A Story of the First English Fleet

By: Samuel L. Bensusan (1872-1958)

Book cover Morocco

By: Charles W. Whistler (1856-1913)

Book cover Wulfric the Weapon Thane

By: Samuel L. Bensusan (1872-1958)

Velazquez by Samuel L. Bensusan Velazquez

By: Charles Watts Whistler (1856-1913)

Book cover Havelok the Dane: A Legend of Old Grimsby and Lincoln

Troy, Athens, Rome... each has its founding legend. So too does the Lincolnshire town of Grimsby, once the largest fishing port in the world. Havelok the Dane probably derives from a folk-tale, orally passed down before assuming written form - first in Anglo-Norman French, later in Middle English verse (c. 1280-1300). It tells of the rescue of the Danish prince from a wicked regent, who has tried to procure Havelok's murder. Grim the fisher, the appointed hit-man, thwarts the plan by spiriting the lad to England, where Grim settles with his family on the coast, adopting Havelok as his foster-son and naming the new community after himself...

By: Charles W. Whistler (1856-1913)

Book cover King Olaf's Kinsman A Story of the Last Saxon Struggle against the Danes in the Days of Ironside and Cnut

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