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By: Franklin Beech

Book cover The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics

By: Joseph Hergesheimer (1880-1954)

Book cover Mountain Blood A Novel

By: Erckmann-Chatrian

Book cover Waterloo A sequel to The Conscript of 1813

By: Joseph Hergesheimer (1880-1954)

Book cover Cytherea
Book cover The Bright Shawl
Book cover The Three Black Pennys A Novel

By: Erckmann-Chatrian

Book cover The Conscript A Story of the French war of 1813

By: Joseph Hergesheimer (1880-1954)

Book cover Wild Oranges
Book cover The Happy End

By: Erckmann-Chatrian

Book cover The Dean's Watch

By: Joseph Hergesheimer (1880-1954)

Book cover Linda Condon

By: Henry Hunt Snelling (1816-1897)

Book cover History and Practice of the Art of Photography

By: William Sleeman (1788-1856)

Book cover Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
Book cover A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II

By: Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufayl (-1185)

Book cover The Improvement of Human Reason Exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan

By: Edward Alexander Powell (1879-1957)

Book cover Where the Strange Trails Go Down Sulu, Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Cambodia, Annam, Cochin-China

By: Louis Constant Wairy (1778-1845)

Book cover Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon

By: Edward Alexander Powell (1879-1957)

Book cover Fighting in Flanders

By: Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufayl (-1185)

The Awakening of the Soul by Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufayl The Awakening of the Soul

By: Edward Alexander Powell (1879-1957)

Book cover The New Frontiers of Freedom from the Alps to the Ægean
Book cover Italy at War and the Allies in the West

By: Louis Constant Wairy (1778-1845)

Book cover Mémoires de Constant

By: James Edward Keeler (1857-1900)

Book cover Photographs of Nebulæ and Clusters Made with the Crossley Reflector

By: Edric Holmes (1873-)

Book cover Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
Book cover Seaward Sussex The South Downs from End to End

By: Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695)

Book cover Treatise on Light

Treatise on Light was published in 1690 and is probably the largest scientific volume on light published before Newton's Opticks. The book explains how light travels (i.e., that it has a certain velocity), and what happens when it hits a surface (refraction and reflection). A large portion of the book is devoted to the double refraction occurring in Iceland chrystal, and all drawn conclusions are proved geometrically. Christiaan Huygens (1629 - 1695) was a prominent physicist and astronomer. His main discoveries are the centrifugal force, collision laws for bodies and the argument that light consists of waves...

By: Julia Lestarjette Glover

Briarwood Girls by Julia Lestarjette Glover Briarwood Girls

Kindred Spirits return for their Sophomore year at Briarwood College. There’s a new girl who upsets the status quo. (Introduction by Linda Velwest)

By: Jefferson Davis (1808-1889)

Book cover Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Volume 1a

The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (1881) is written by Jefferson Davis, former President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Davis wrote the book as a straightforward history of the Confederate States of America and as an apologia for the causes that he believed led to and justified the American Civil War. Davis spared little detail in describing every aspect of the Confederate constitution and government, in addition to which he retold in detail numerous military campaigns...

By: Donald H. Berkebile

Book cover The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology
Book cover Conestoga Wagons in Braddock's Campaign, 1755

By: Jefferson Davis (1808-1889)

Book cover Speeches of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi

By: Nancy R E Meugens Bell

Book cover Architecture

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