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By: Louis Creswicke

Book cover South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 2 From the Commencement of the War to the Battle of Colenso, 15th Dec. 1899
Book cover South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899

By: Sewell Peaslee Wright (1897-1970)

Book cover The Death-Traps of FX-31

By: Louis Creswicke

Book cover South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 3 (of 6) From the Battle of Colenso, 15th Dec. 1899, to Lord Roberts's Advance into the Free State, 12th Feb. 1900

By: Sewell Peaslee Wright (1897-1970)

Book cover The God in the Box
Book cover The Terror from the Depths
Book cover The Infra-Medians
Book cover Priestess of the Flame

By: Louis Creswicke

Book cover Love's Usuries

By: Clarence Edward Mulford (1883-1956)

Book cover Bar-20 Days
Book cover Bring Me His Ears

By: Hubert E. (Hubert Edwin) Collins (1872-1932)

Book cover Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers

By: S. Griswold (Sylvanus Griswold) Morley (1878-1970)

Book cover Modern Spanish Lyrics

By: of Avila Teresa (1515-1582)

Book cover The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus
Book cover Santa Teresa an Appreciation: with some of the best passages of the Saint's Writings

By: James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)

Book cover Five of Maxwell's Papers

By: Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne (1850-1894)

Book cover The Ebb-Tide

Three men down on their luck in Tahiti agree to ship out on a vessel whose officers have died of smallpox. Their desperate venture inspires them to a further idea: they will steal the schooner and its cargo of champagne, sell them, and live a plentiful life. The thought is intoxicating... and so is the cargo, which they sample. Inattention nearly brings them to grief in a sudden storm. This sobering experience is followed by another - apparently the dead officers had a similar ambition! - and their dreams of riches vanish...

By: Mrs. James Sadlier (1820-1903)

Book cover Purgatory

By: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

Book cover Wrecker

The Wrecker (1892) is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in collaboration with his stepson Lloyd Osbourne. The story is a 'sprawling, episodic adventure story, a comedy of brash manners and something of a detective mystery'. It revolves around the abandoned wreck of the Flying Scud at Midway Island. Clues in a stamp collection are used to track down the missing crew and solve the mystery. It is only in the last chapter that different story elements become linked.

By: Thomas Frognall Dibdin (1776-1847)

Book cover Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance

By: Lloyd Osbourne (1868-1947)

Book cover The Motormaniacs
Book cover Love, the Fiddler
Book cover Wild Justice: Stories of the South Seas

By: S. A. Reilly

Book cover Our Legal Heritage

By: Charles Babbage (1792-1871)

Book cover Reflections on the Decline of Science in England
Book cover On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures

By: Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)

Book cover History of the Girondists, Volume I Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution
Book cover Atheism Among the People
Book cover Raphael Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty

By: Jacqueline Overton (1887-)

Book cover The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson for Boys and Girls

By: Joseph Hergesheimer (1880-1954)

Book cover Java Head

Java Head is a novel of the American merchant marine at the beginning of the great clipper ship era. It is laid in Salem, when that city was still a port rich with the traffic of the East Indies; a story of choleric ship masters, charming girls, and an aristocratic Manchu woman in carmine and jades and crusted gold. There is a drama as secret and poisonous as opium, lovely old gardens with lilac trees and green lattices, and elm-shaded streets ending at the harbor with the brigs unloading ivory from Africa and the ships crowding on their topsails for Canton...

By: Franklin Beech

Book cover The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student

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