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By: Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897)

Book cover A Little Pilgrim Stories of the Seen and the Unseen
Book cover The Little Pilgrim: Further Experiences. Stories of the Seen and the Unseen.

By: Eugene S. Ferguson (1916-2004)

Book cover Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt

By: John Howell (1788-1863)

Book cover The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk

This work was the true story of Alexander Selkirk (1676 to December 13, 1721), a Scottish sailor who was employed in a number of different trades during his early life. As a young man, Selkirk learned the skills of tanning and shoemaking, and later became a buccaneer (a government-sanctioned pirate) on the Cinque Ports, working his way up to the position of ship's sailing master or navigator. But in the case of Selkirk, his experiences would eventually help him to survive his isolation on a deserted island in the Juan Fernández archipelago, off the coast of Chile, where he spent 52 months before being rescued...

By: Arthur Léon Imbert de Saint-Amand (1834-1900)

Book cover The Court of the Empress Josephine
Book cover The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X

By: Imbert de Saint-Amand (1834-1900)

Book cover Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty

Paris in 1792 is no longer what it was in 1789. In 1789, the old French society was still brilliant. The past endured beside the present. Neither names nor escutcheons, neither liveries nor places at court, had been suppressed. The aristocracy and the Revolution lived face to face. In 1792, the scene has changed."France was now on the verge of the Reign of Terror (la Terreur), the violent years following the Revolution, and this book chronicles the terrible period of French history which culminated in the proclamation: "Royalty is abolished in France...

By: Arthur Léon Imbert de Saint-Amand (1834-1900)

Book cover The Happy Days of the Empress Marie Louise

By: H.A. Lorentz

Book cover The Einstein Theory of Relativity

By: Thomas G. (Thomas George) Thrum (1842-1932)

Book cover Hawaiian Folk Tales A Collection of Native Legends

By: Ike Matthews

Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-catcher by Ike Matthews Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-catcher

Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-Catcher, after 25 Years' ExperienceBy Ike Matthews. INTRODUCTION. In placing before my readers in the following pages the results of my twenty-five years' experience of Rat-catching, Ferreting, etc., I may say that I have always done my best to accomplish every task that I have undertaken, and I have in consequence received excellent testimonials from many corporations, railway companies, and merchants. I have not only made it my study to discover the different...

By: John C. Hutcheson (1840-1897)

The Ghost Ship by John C. Hutcheson The Ghost Ship

This book intentionally veers in and out of the supernatural, as the title implies. The officers get more and more bewildered as they work out their position, and yet again encounter the same vessel going in an impossible direction. Having warned you of this, I must say that it is a well-written book about life aboard an ocean-going steamer at about the end of the nineteenth century.

By: A. Frederick (Archie Frederick) Collins (1869-)

Book cover The Radio Amateur's Hand Book

By: John C. Hutcheson

Book cover Afloat at Last A Sailor Boy's Log of his Life at Sea
Book cover The Penang Pirate and, The Lost Pinnace
Book cover The Island Treasure
Book cover The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
Book cover Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
Book cover Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
Book cover Caught in a Trap
Book cover She and I, Volume 1 A Love Story. A Life History.
Book cover Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
Book cover Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
Book cover The White Squall A Story of the Sargasso Sea
Book cover She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
Book cover On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
Book cover Tom Finch's Monkey and How he Dined with the Admiral
Book cover Teddy The Story of a Little Pickle
Book cover Young Tom Bowling The Boys of the British Navy

By: Flora Annie Webster Steel (1847-1929)

Book cover English Fairy Tales

By: Mary Wood-Allen (1841-1908)

Book cover What a Young Woman Ought to Know
Book cover Almost A Man

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