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By: Mary Esther Miller MacGregor (1876-1961)

Book cover Duncan Polite The Watchman of Glenoro

By: Friedrich Wieck (1785-1873)

Piano and Song by Friedrich Wieck Piano and Song

This book talks about teaching, learning and performing on the piano in a delightful style, alternating between conversation and instruction. As he was the father of Clara Schumann and Robert Schumann's teacher, need I say more?

By: Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre

Paul and Virginia by Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre Paul and Virginia

Paul and Virginia was first published in 1787. The novel's title characters are very good friends since birth who fall in love, but sadly die when the ship Le Saint-Geran is wrecked. The story is set in the island of Mauritius under French rule, then named Île de France, which the author had visited. Written on the eve of the French Revolution, the novel is hailed as Bernardin's finest work. It records the fate of a child of nature corrupted by the false, artificial sentimentality that prevailed at the time among the upper classes of France.

By: Mary Schell Hoke Bacon (1870-1934)

Book cover Pictures Every Child Should Know A Selection of the World's Art Masterpieces for Young People

By: Amos E. Dolbear (1837-1910)

Book cover The Machinery of the Universe Mechanical Conceptions of Physical Phenomena

By: William T. Hornaday (1854-1937)

Book cover Extermination of the American Bison

The American bison (Bison bison), also commonly known as the American buffalo, is a North American species of bison that once roamed the grasslands of North America in massive herds, became nearly extinct by a combination of commercial hunting and slaughter in the 19th century and introduction of bovine diseases from domestic cattle. William T. Hornaday’s advocacy is credited with preserving the American bison from extinction. This book, originally published in 1887, gives Mr. Hornaday's evidence of the Bison's impending extinction. (Adapted from Wikipedia by Ann Boulais)

By: William Temple Hornaday (1854-1937)

Book cover The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations

By: Amos E. Dolbear (1837-1910)

Book cover The Telephone An Account of the Phenomena of Electricity, Magnetism, and Sound, as Involved in Its Action

By: Mary Schell Hoke Bacon (1870-1934)

Book cover Operas Every Child Should Know Descriptions of the Text and Music of Some of the Most Famous Masterpieces

By: Amos E. Dolbear (1837-1910)

Book cover Matter, Ether, and Motion, Rev. ed., enl. The Factors and Relations of Physical Science

By: C. B. Black (-1906)

Book cover The South of France—East Half

By: George Gilfillan (1813-1878)

Book cover Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets

By: C. B. Black (-1906)

Book cover Itinerary through Corsica by its Rail, Carriage & Forest Roads

By: George Gilfillan (1813-1878)

Book cover The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer With Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes

By: August Bebel (1840-1913)

Woman under socialism by August Bebel Woman under socialism

By: Henry Oyen (1882-1921)

Book cover The Snow-Burner

The Snow-Burner is what the Native Americans called Reivers, and it was a rough and tumble life in the land where Reivers chose to live up to his name. The name was attributed to Reivers upon his proof after arriving in the north country because of his ability to defeat all perceived enemies in whatever means was necessary; whether by brute force and tough action, or by sheer cunning which he had gained living in the city in his earlier days. When assigned to oversee a group of foreigners in a work camp, he treated them with utter cruelty...

By: Basil King (1859-1928)

Book cover The Conquest of Fear

By: Ellis Parker Butler (1869-1937)

Book cover The Thin Santa Claus The Chicken Yard That Was a Christmas Stocking
Book cover Pigs is Pigs
Book cover Solander's Radio Tomb

By: Basil King (1859-1928)

Book cover The Letter of the Contract
Book cover The Street Called Straight
Book cover Wild Olive

Norrie Ford, having been unfairly convicted of murder, has escaped. A lucky chance finds him being rescued by a mysterious girl (the Wild Olive of the title), who sets him up with a new life under a new name in Argentina. He makes such a success of his time there that he is posted back to New York by the company he works for – but not before he has become engaged to be married. Back in New York, he meets up again with the Wild Olive . . .

By: Ellis Parker Butler (1869-1937)

Book cover Cheerful Smugglers

Saving for the baby's education: how can a young family be disciplined so as to regularly put money in the pig (bank)? Why, put a tariff on all items coming into the house, just like the U.S. Government does/did for items coming into the country! But the devil is in the details; what about taxing items brought in by visitors? Is the housemaid herself a taxable item? What items really are 'necessaries' versus luxuries? When visitors arrive these guests stoop to either 'smuggling' in their luggage items to avoid having to pay up to 30% of the value, or wear only what they came dressed in...

Book cover Goat-Feathers
Book cover The Water goats and other troubles
Book cover Mike Flannery On Duty and Off

By: Henry Oyen (1883-1921)

Book cover The Plunderer

By: Basil King (1859-1928)

Book cover The High Heart

By: James J. Walsh (1865-1942)

Book cover The Century of Columbus
Book cover The Popes and Science The History of the Papal Relations to Science During the Middle Ages and Down to Our Own Time
Book cover Education: How Old The New

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