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By: Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)

Book cover The Brownies and Other Tales
Book cover Six to Sixteen A Story for Girls
Book cover The Peace Egg and Other tales
Book cover Brothers of Pity and Other Tales of Beasts and Men
Book cover Mary's Meadow And Other Tales of Fields and Flowers
Book cover Miscellanea
Book cover Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin's Dovecot and Other Stories
Book cover Melchior's Dream and Other Tales
Book cover We and the World, Part I A Book for Boys
Book cover Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
Book cover Last Words A Final Collection of Stories
Book cover A Flat Iron for a Farthing or Some Passages in the Life of an only Son

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

Book cover Birds in the Bush

By: Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)

The Land of Lost Toys by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing The Land of Lost Toys
Book cover We and the World, Part II A Book for Boys
Book cover A Great Emergency and Other Tales

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

Book cover The Foot-path Way

By: Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)

Book cover Jackanapes

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

A Rambler's lease by Bradford Torrey A Rambler's lease

By: Anne Wales Abbott ed. (1808-1908)

Autumn Leaves, Original Pieces in Prose and Verse by Anne Wales Abbott ed. Autumn Leaves, Original Pieces in Prose and Verse

The pieces gathered into this volume were, with two exceptions, written for the entertainment of a private circle, without any view to publication. The editor would express her thanks to the writers, who, at her solicitation, have allowed them to be printed. They are published with the hope of aiding a work of charity,—the establishment of an Agency for the benefit of the poor in Cambridge,—to which the proceeds of the sale will be devoted.

By: George de Horne Vaizey (1857-1917)

Book cover A College Girl
Book cover About Peggy Saville
Book cover A Girl in Spring-Time
Book cover Sisters Three
Book cover Betty Trevor
Book cover The Independence of Claire
Book cover More About Peggy
Book cover The Heart of Una Sackville
Book cover An Unknown Lover
Book cover Big Game A Story for Girls
Book cover Etheldreda the Ready A School Story
Book cover The Fortunes of the Farrells

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