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By: John Leighton

Book cover Paris under the Commune The Seventy-Three Days of the Second Siege; with Numerous Illustrations, Sketches Taken on the Spot, and Portraits (from the Original Photographs)
Book cover The Royal Picture Alphabet

By: John Dryden (1631-1700)

Book cover Discourses on Satire and on Epic Poetry
Book cover The works of John Dryden, now first collected in eighteen volumes. Volume 02
Book cover Palamon and Arcite
Book cover His Majesties Declaration Defended

By: Hugo Münsterberg (1863-1916)

Book cover Psychotherapy

Talking about viewing the Ocean "If I take the attitude of appreciation, it would be absurd to say that this wave is composed of chemical elements which I do not see; and if I take the attitude of physical explanation, it would be equally absurd to deny that such elements are all of which the wave is made. From the one standpoint, the ocean is really excited; from the other standpoint, the molecules are moving according to the laws of hydrodynamics. If I want to understand the meaning of this scene every reminiscence of physics will lead me astray; if I want to calculate the movement of my boat, physics alone can help me".(from the Introduction)

Book cover The Photoplay A Psychological Study

By: Asa Don Dickinson (1876-1960)

Book cover Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know

This charming book has many stories that deal mostly with the holiday of Thanksgiving, perfectly suited for family listening and reading. and gathers in one volume tales of tasty turkeys, festive parties, generous gestures, and holiday cheer. The stories featured include works by such writers as Harriet Beecher Stowe, George Eliot, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and others. So if you want to listen to some great stories that bring out gratitude for life and a thanksgiving attitude, here are a bunch of the best.

By: Hugo Münsterberg (1863-1916)

Book cover Psychology and Industrial Efficiency
Book cover Psychology and Social Sanity

By: Asa Don Dickinson (1876-1960)

Book cover Stories of Achievement, Volume III, Orators and Reformers
Book cover Stories of Achievement, Volume IV, Authors and Journalists

By: George Washington Cable (1844-1925)

Book cover The Cavalier
Book cover Strange True Stories of Louisiana
Book cover The Amateur Garden
Book cover The Grandissimes
Book cover Strong Hearts
Book cover Bonaventure, A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana

This is a gentle, delightful story of life and love on the bayoux of Acadian Louisiana during the latter half of the 19th century. Bonaventure is a Creole raised among the Acadians. He loves learning, and through his calling as a teacher, and his own unique force of character, comes to have a lasting effect on the people around him. A word of warning: This story has occasional references to Jews and African Americans that the modern mind finds offensive. They are retained here in the interest of preserving the original text.

Book cover Old Creole Days
Book cover Kincaid's Battery
Book cover Madame Delphine
Book cover The Flower of the Chapdelaines
Book cover Dr. Sevier
Book cover Bylow Hill
Book cover John March, Southerner

By: F. Max Müller (1823-1900)

Book cover India: What can it teach us? A Course of Lectures Delivered before the University Of Cambridge
Book cover Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I Essays on the Science of Religion
Book cover My Autobiography A Fragment
Book cover The Silesian Horseherd - Questions of the Hour
Book cover Memories A Story of German Love

By: B. G. (Benjamin Grant) Jefferis (1851-)

Book cover Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage

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