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By: Edward Stratemeyer (1862-1930)

Fighting in Cuban Waters or, Under Schley on the Brooklyn by Edward Stratemeyer Fighting in Cuban Waters or, Under Schley on the Brooklyn
Book cover Four Boy Hunters
Book cover The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle Or, The Strange Cruise of the Steam Yacht
The Last Cruise of the Spitfire or, Luke Foster's Strange Voyage by Edward Stratemeyer The Last Cruise of the Spitfire or, Luke Foster's Strange Voyage
Dave Porter and His Double Or, The Disapperarance of the Basswood Fortune by Edward Stratemeyer Dave Porter and His Double Or, The Disapperarance of the Basswood Fortune
Three Young Ranchmen or, Daring Adventures in the Great West by Edward Stratemeyer Three Young Ranchmen or, Daring Adventures in the Great West
Book cover Guns and Snowshoes Or, the Winter Outing of the Young Hunters
The Campaign of the Jungle or, Under Lawton through Luzon by Edward Stratemeyer The Campaign of the Jungle or, Under Lawton through Luzon
Book cover Young Auctioneers The Polishing of a Rolling Stone
The Missing Tin Box or, The Stolen Railroad Bonds by Edward Stratemeyer The Missing Tin Box or, The Stolen Railroad Bonds
Book cover Dave Porter in the Far North or, The Pluck of an American Schoolboy
Marching on Niagara or, The Soldier Boys of the Old Frontier by Edward Stratemeyer Marching on Niagara or, The Soldier Boys of the Old Frontier
Book cover On the Trail of Pontiac
Book cover True to Himself : or Roger Strong's Struggle for Place
Boys of The Fort Or, A Young Captain's Pluck by Edward Stratemeyer Boys of The Fort Or, A Young Captain's Pluck
Book cover Dave Porter and the Runaways Last Days at Oak Hall
Book cover Richard Dare's Venture

By: John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)

Book cover Economic Consequences of the Peace

The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) was a best seller throughout the world, published by John Maynard Keynes. Keynes attended the Versailles Conference as a delegate of the British Treasury and argued for a much more generous peace with Germany. The book was critical in establishing a general worldwide opinion that the Versailles Treaty was a brutal and unfair peace towards Germany. It helped to consolidate American public opinion against the treaty and involvement in the League of Nations...

Book cover A Treatise on Probability

By: Ben Ames Williams

All the Brothers Were Valiant by Ben Ames Williams All the Brothers Were Valiant

Joel Shore, newly appointed captain of the whaling ship Nathan Ross following his brother’s apparent demise as captain of the same ship, elects to make his first cruise as captain to the very location where his brother had last been seen – the Gilbert Islands, in order to try to learn more about what happened to his brother. The focus of this tale is of that voyage halfway around the globe and the adventures which he and his crew encounter.

By: Hélène A. Guerber (1859-1929)

Book cover Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas

By: H. A. Guerber (1859-1929)

Book cover Story of the Greeks

This book is a collection of stories and histories about the Ancient Greeks, including many of their famous myths!

By: Hélène A. Guerber (1859-1929)

Book cover Stories of the Wagner Opera
Book cover Legends of the Middle Ages Narrated with Special Reference to Literature and Art
Book cover Contes et légendes 1re Partie
Book cover The Book of the Epic

By: Ben Ames Williams (1889-1953)

The Sea Bride by Ben Ames Williams The Sea Bride

By: Clarence Day, Jr. (1874-1935)

This Simian World by Clarence Day, Jr. This Simian World

Clarence Day, Jr., best known for his work Life with Father, presents a satirical speculation on how the world might be different if we apes had not risen to prominence, but rather one of the other species had become dominant in our place.

By: Thomas Anstey Guthrie (1856-1934)

Tourmalin’s Time Cheques by Thomas Anstey Guthrie Tourmalin’s Time Cheques

Peter Tourmalin is on a sea voyage back home to England from Australia, to return to his fiancee, and he is very bored. The fact that the time difference adds on extra hours to his boredom only makes it worse. So when he gets a unique opportunity to deposit his spare time into an account with the “Anglo-Australian Joint Stock Time Bank, Limited” he doesn’t hesitate for long. By opening this account, he doesn’t have to spend his spare time right away, but can withdraw it at any future date, when he wants a break...

By: Frédéric Bastiat

Sophisms of the Protectionists by Frédéric Bastiat Sophisms of the Protectionists

"To rob the public, it is necessary to deceive them," Bastiat said and believed. He reasoned, employing repetition to various applications, against fallacious arguments promoting the "Protection" of industries to the detriment of consumers and society. (Introduction by Katie Riley)

By: John William Polidori (1795-1821)

Book cover The Vampyre; a Tale

By: Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

Book cover What Is Free Trade? An Adaptation of Frederic Bastiat's "Sophismes Éconimiques" Designed for the American Reader

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